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The decision to marry is one of great importance. How early should this decision be made? How early is too early? And everythign else about marriage
By kh
salam alaiykum
i was wondering can a person who's not a syed marry a syed keeping in mind that both of them are shia ithna asheries?
By kh
thankyou for ure reply....but i think it seems inappropriate for syeds not to marry syeds. Does anybody know what ayatollah shirazi says about it.
By kh
then why is it discouraged or prohibited?
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By abuali
once again, as per my knowledge IT IS NOT PROHIBITED

As i said before, I have heard about some 'scholars' who feel it should be discouraged.

Saying this, does not mean they are right. It means they have a different opinion. Maybe someone who holds the view that it is discouraged or prohibited should be the one to answer this, as I feel there is nothing wrong in it.

Please do give your reasons why you feel its not appropriate?
kh Posted: 10 Apr 2005 06:55 am Post subject:


thankyou for ure reply....but i think it seems inappropriate for syeds not to marry syeds. Does anybody know what ayatollah shirazi says about it.
By kh
i dont think i have a reason since the masoomeen did it so i guess there's nothing wrong with it...i thought it was better to marry a syed becuz he/she is linked to the progeny of our imams.but since we are all shias so it means we are linked to them anyways. inother words (mansoob bihim). ppl just give preferences to syeds over non-syeds in marriage probably becuz its a tradition or a cultural aspect maybe.
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By qarrar
kh wrote:then why is it discouraged or prohibited?
There was a good debate on this issue on another forum of which I am part, and two reasons emerged mainly in relation to why Sayeds should not marry non Sayeds. One, if there is an unavailability of a suitable spouce, who is at the same level of eman as the Sayed or higher. This was the case with our Seventh Imams daughters; they couldn’t get married to anyone because there wasn’t anyone at their level of eman. Similarly we have the Prophets hadith that if it wasn’t for Ali, there wouldn’t have been another suitable spouse for Fatema. This hadith is often cited when people ask why the Prophet didn’t get Bibi Fatema married to the first person who asked her hand in marriage and it wasn’t our first Imam.

The final reason being to keep the lineage pure, because if we start having mass Sayed and non Sayed weddings, we will be left without Sayeds in the future. Having said this we must bear in mind regardless of one being a Sayed or not, we will be judged by our amaal and not our relations to the Prophet!
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By Muhammad Mahdi
A sayed is one who has the blood of Bibi Fatimah (as) right??
Sayed and non Sayed weddings, we will be left without Sayeds in the future.
The kids will have bibi Fatimah (as)'s blood so they will be sayeds. Won't they?
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By qarrar
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:A sayed is one who has the blood of Bibi Fatimah (as) right? The kids will have bibi Fatimah (as)'s blood so they will be sayeds. Won't they?
Yes I can agree with you to a certain extent. Together with the blood of Bibi Fatema and ultimately the Prophet’s blood you also require an Imams blood. That’s why you have Sayeds who are either Naqavi (9th Imam), Allawi (1st Imam), Musawi (7th Imam) etc. So that means they are descendants of children of these Imams, but they can all trace their linage back to the Prophet. But there are different ways of classifying Sayeds and the one you just mentioned is one of them. I have met scholars whose mothers/grandmothers were Sayeds but they still chose to wear the white turban instead of the black one. My great grandmother on my mother side was a Sayed but I don’t think I can classify myself as one.
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By knowledgeseeker
It is allowed for sayyeds to mary non-sayeds and vice-versa..
Just you have to bear in mind that the child will ONLY BE A SYED IF THE FATHER IS A SYED!!!
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By qarrar
knowledgeseeker wrote:Just you have to bear in mind that the child will ONLY BE A SYED IF THE FATHER IS A SYED!!!
As we subscribe to the Jaffery school of thought I am sure you can have a good argument to wear a black turban if your mother is a sayed.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Just you have to bear in mind that the child will ONLY BE A SYED IF THE FATHER IS A SYED!!!
Sayed comes from Sayyeda for bibi Fatimah. Hence, if either of the parents is a sayed, then the offspring is a sayed.
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By Reyhana
From my point of view,it is not a question of Sayyids level of faith being higher then non sayyids,as there r many sayyids who r so much distanced from religion,that apart from weeping in majlises and doing maatam they dont know the A,B,C,s of religion,nor do they care and they even believe that because they r sayyids they wont be held accountable for their deeds and look down upon Non Sayyids.[Those shias who live in the areas where there is big population of Sayyids will vouch for this]
No doubt our Holy Prophet knew that this was going to happen,and thats the reason he made it clear that those who adhere to the right path are his shias even if they arent from his descendants[saadats],and those who take religion as mokery are not his shias, even if they be from his descendants[saadats].We all know that even though Salman-e farsi had no relation whatsoever with the prophet ,still the Holy prophet said ''Salmaan minna Ahlul bayt'',because of his high level of Faith and Taqwa .
So,choosing of a spouse should be done based on the level of piety[taqwa]and not by seeing whether one is Sayyid or non sayyid.
p.s;My comment shouldnt be taken in a wrong way,I am not talking about all Sayyids.I am just saying not to blindly accept that all sayyids have high level of faith then all non sayyids just because they r sayyids.
In the book 'Your Questions Answered' vol. 3, Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, when asked
Can a Seyyid girl marry a non-Seyyid Shi'a Ithna-asheri who is well educated and has a high post in the government?
Yes. And it does not matter whether he is well educated and well-to-do or not. There is no colour, caste or race-bar in Islam.

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