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Our communities and daily lives are ridden with many unIslamic temptations and deviations. Yet plenty are practiced openly.
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By Tayyaba
Music and Singing:

The case with music and unlawful singing is the same. It has been decisively prohibited in Shariah, as the evidences mentioned further along will show. Yet there are individuals that are not ready to believe that it is Haram.

In the modern era, music has spread to such an extent that nobody is free from it. Individuals are confronted with situations where they are forced to listen to music. It is played nearly in all department stores and supermarkets. If you sit in a taxi, make a phone call or even walk down the street, you will not be saved from this evil. Young Muslims drive around in their cars with the music fully blasted. The increasing popularity of music, which is prevalent in our society, poses a great threat to the Muslims.

One of the main causes for the decline of the Muslims is their involvement in useless entertainment. Today we see that Muslims are involved, and at the forefront perhaps, of many immoralities and evils. The spiritual power which once was the trait of a Muslim is nowhere to be seen. One of the main reasons for this is music and useless entertainment.

Physical Effects of Music..

Experiments carried out by doctors and researchers confirm that music is such that it does not only affect the brain,but each and every organ of the body. There is a close relationship between music and bodily movements.

It is also proved that music affects one’s emotions, increases arousal in terms of alertness and excitement and also leads to various psychological changes in the person. In a psychological experiment, it was found that listening to moderate type of music increased one’s normal heart beat, whilst listening to rock music the heart beat increased even further, yet people claim that music has no effect.

In conclusion, music and the instruments used for singing are a cause for arousing the sexual desire of an individual. It could lead a person to adultery and fornication. Therefore, Islam takes the preventive measure rather than suffer the consequences. This is also one of the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, namely ‘blocking the means’ (sadd al-dhara'i). This is based on the idea of preventing an evil before it actually materializes, and is taken from the heart of the guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah that, “Preventing harm is given precedence even to achieving possible benefits.”
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By Tayyaba
Salaam ppl :)

well one thing i am confused about is that as Music is not allowed, we knw that ryte?!
:? but some say classical music e.g gazal are allowed so how far is that true?
and u knw nasheeds and nauha is some kind of music isnt it or am i wrong?
God its confusin
who can help me out with this? :roll:
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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam

There are four kind sof people we will find as far as the topic of Music is concerned.

1. Those who say that its not Haraam (or atleast parts of it)
2. Those who know that its haraam and therefore dont listen to music
3. Those who are ignorant that Music is haraam
4. Those who know that it is haraam (or may be haraam) but still continue to listen to it.

I think our area of concern are those that say that its not haraam and those who are ignorant about Music being haraam.

You will be surprised that there are several Muslims who actually beleive and support fully that Music is not Haraam. I am not so sure what other religions say about Music and would really like to know if anyone has any idea.

I am currently undertaking a research about Music, both form the spiritual angle and the scientific point of view.

Hopefully, Inshallah, I shall be able to post some interesting information soon.

In the meanwhile, please keep posting your concerns and questions, and we shall try and get some knowledgable people on this issue, so that the matter can be addressed.

I am quoting some question and answers below regarding the issue of music which may come of use to the users of this forum.

Note that I have come across these questions and answers during my research into the topic...and I have quoted the person answering the question with their respective names.



What kind of music/song is allowed in Shariah. The ulema I have talked to so
far mantain that the music used in " LEHW AND LAAB" is not permisible. This
term is not clear to many of our Momineen. Please clarify this and if
possible with example.

I am a muqallid of Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Ali Sistani.


[Moderator's Note: The following answer was obtained from the above
referenced book. Additional questions regarding Music are available at the
link below].

Question posed to Syed Seestani:

What is the limit separating lawful from unlawful music? If the criterion is
its being labeled "entertainment or amusement," then this is not clear according to convention because there are differences of opinion on that.


The separating limit is its being of suitable quality for the gatherings of
amusement and of immorality.

http://www.al-islam.org/laws/contempora ... alat5.html



Why is music haram, and what are the origins of this law?


Generally speaking, music is deemed to be haram due to it's effects on a
person's soul and the possible effects on morals. It is also very addictive
and can lead to a person indulging in vain things which can make him lose
his purpose in life. I have observed the society around and am sure that the
gradual decadence of moral behaviour is based on 3 elements: Alcohol,
womanizing and music. You will observe this especially when you go to
Universities and colleges.

The prohibition against harmful music is derived from the Qur'anic
prohibition in indulging in that which is vain (lahw), entertainment and
corrupt (fisq). See for example 49:49.



There is a lot of confusion what is Halal Music & what is not.
Especially since Iran permits all kinds now. Any clarifications possible?
Can one refer this matter to Marja other than one whos taqlid is being done
(Aytollah Seestani?)


Ayatullah Seestani has a very clear fatwa on Music which disallows all kinds
of music except military and funeral music.

Mustafa Jaffer


Is classical music such as Bach and Beethoven among the types considered permissible, or might some of it or all of classical music be haraam?


Classical Music is amongst the type permitted. If Bach and Beethoven
fall into the category of Classical music, then it is allowed.

With Salaams and Duas

Mustafa Jaffer



I do taqleed of Agha Seestaani, and am wondering on the ruling concerning
the single 'I have no cannons that roar', that is being publicised by Yusuf
Islam presently. Although it is music, a lot of Muslims are saying that it
is acceptable to listen because of the nature and background of the
writing. Is this true, please help


Music is music and it is haraam to listen to music. In Islam, the end does
not jutisy the means. A very basic principle in Islam is " LAA YUTAAULLAH
HAYTHU YU'SAA" - Allah cannot be obeyed if, in the process, a sin is

With Salaams and Duas

Mustafa Jaffer


Hope this help to clear doubts.
By eternal-jihad
Every age has is own way to communicate. I think we should encourage muslims bands who are spreading the message of islam through music.

wa salaam
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By abuali
I disagree.

Music is not a new age thing. It is as old as civilization itself.

Secondly, in Islam the end does not justify the means. Music is haraam...and it will stay haraam even if used with munajaat, nawha or for that matter Islamic bands. There are several ways to spread the word apart from music...

Thirdly...name 10 music bands that are spreading the word of Islam and I will name a thousand bands that are spreading violence, rape, drugs, murder and all sorts of evil.

Clearly Music should be discouraged.
By eternal-jihad
Are they any ahadith which speak about only music or is it the consequences of music ??? Put the ahadith here and look at the context...
I agree that bands spreading violence, rape, drugs etc should be haram cause it leads to haram behaviours.
then would you say that a brother using hip-hop to reach the black youth in gethos of AmeriKKKa and to help them to discover islam is wrong ?
TV could be so much worst than music...

wa salaam
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By Tayyaba
well i disagree with Eternal Jihad..because we all knw that Music is like totally haraam then why argue ryte?
ok lemme give u an e.g lets say there is a glass of wine and we put some quranic ayaats writen on top of it will that become halaal to drink ??
the same way in music we put lyrics of Islam its like haraam..jus ponder over it..
and as we knw listenin to music intoxicates a person so its the same as drinkin wine!
mmm...so do u disagree?
By eternal-jihad
You should give ahadith then which says that it is the music in it self which is haram.
Music intoxicate...maybe it is a little bit true but lots of things are far worst for you than music ...but none says it is haram. Would you say cigarette is haram ? It is much more intoxicant than music you know...

wa salaam
By Guest
References within the context of the Holy Qur`aan along with the Hadith of the Prophet confirm that music is haraam.
Interpreters of the Qur`aan have defined the term `lahwal hadith` which is mentioned in the Qur`aan as:

1) Singing and listening to songs.
2) Purchasing of male and female singers.
3) Purchase of instruments of fun and amusement.

When Sayyidana Abdullah Ibne Mas`ood , a very close companion of our Prophet was asked about the meaning of the term `lahwal hadith`, he replied

“I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God,that it refers to ghinaa (singing ).”
This statement, he repeated three times.
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By Tayyaba
Music is most certainly haram. That is stated in the sunnah and the Quran.

It was reported in a saheeh hadeeth from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“In my ummah there will be people who allow fornication/adultery (zina), silk, wine and musical instruments……..” (reported by Saheh Al-Bukhari No. 7494b)

If they were halal, he would not have condemned those who permitted them, or compared permitting them to permitting wine and zina.

We may understand from the hadeeth that all kinds of musical instruments are forbidden. This is clear from the hadeeth for a number of reasons:


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said “… there will be people who allow…” It is clear that the things listed here, including musical instruments, are forbidden in sharee’ah, but those people will allow them.


He compared musical instruments to things that are definitely known to be haraam, namely zina and alcohol. If instruments were not haraam, he would not have made this comparison. The evidence of this hadeeth that singing is haram is definitive. Even if no other hadeeth or aayah spoke about musical instruments, this hadeeth would be sufficient to prove that they are haraam, especially the kind of singing and music that is known among people nowadays, the essence of which is obscenity and foul talk, based on all kinds of musical instruments such as guitars, drums, flutes, ouds, zithers, organs, pianos, violins and other things that make it more enticing, such as the voices of these effeminate singers and whores.

The hadeeth indicates that musical instruments are haraam, and condemns those who say they are halaal, just as it condemns those who say that alcohol and zina are allowed. The ayahts and haadeths that warn against singing and musical instruments are many indeed.
What is lawfull is to beat on the daff (simple hand drum) at weddings (this is known from many hadeeths). This is lawfull for women only, in order to announce the wedding. There is nothing wrong with women singing amongst themselves, accompanied by the daff, so long as the songs contain no words that encourage evil or distract people from their duties. It is also a condition that this should take place among women only, and there should be no mixing with men. What some people do, of amplifying such singing with loudspeakers is evil and very wrong. It is not permissible for women, in weddings or on other occasions, to use any instrument other than the daff, such as the oud, violin, rebab (stringed instrument) and so on. This is evil, and the only concession that women are given is that they may use the daff.

As for men, it is not permissible for them to play any kind of musical instrument, whether at weddings or on any other occasion.

May Allah give us the strength to stay away from music.

well..now hope this clears all the misconception is it?
if u still disagree then i think we should ask this question to a scholar or learned person..
sawa...tc :)
By eternal-jihad
ok thanks for the ahadith...this is useful, we can only judge things with proofs...I'm gonna check that with the context now.


wa salaam
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By Seeker of Knowledge
First of all, we must try to understand the concept of Halaal and Haraam.
Human beings are highly versatile and can adapt to different situations easily, so it is very rare that everyone will react to an influence in exactly the same way. Thus all human beings may not be affected by a tiny bit of alcohol, or a little music to the same degree.

However, Islam is a religion for all the people AS WELL as the individual. Therefore, if there is something that affects a large percentage of the people in an undesirable manner, such as alcohol causing drunkenness and disorder, then Islam will make it haraam at the very beginning on the basis that "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE." This means that it is better to stop something bad happening in the first place rather than doing something about it after it happens. This approach is common sense.

Allah also says in the Holy Qur'an, that some things in small quantities do have good effects for us, but the bad effects outweigh the good, therefore overall it is harmful and so forbidden.

They ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." .... Thus doth God make clear to you His Signs: in order that you may consider. Surah 2:219
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By abuali
Seeker of knowledge...ahsant for that useful article regarding the basis for halaal and haraam.

You have managed to explain very logically why music should not be allowed.

Just to put the icing on top of the cake, I request you all to please post any more hadeeth that you may have come across (with references) about music and its effects.
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By Muntazir
Assalamun Alaikum.
As by the subject, i would like to tell you how much these days Music is more important to everyone than the Holy words of Qur'an. Music gives us soo much relief than the Holy words of Qur'an. When we have tensions or problems we listen to music and feel better. Why? Wht is it that drives us soo adictive into music? Nothin! Its just that the whole world is soo free listening to music but us, and that's how we feel left out. Well that's not how its suppose to be, music is haram and all of us know it, music is soo adictive that sometimes we choose listening to music and not the holy words of Qur'an, and that's one of the reasons where Music is Haram. Music sometimes have no meanings at all but we still fall for it. Allah subhana wataallah never said that we shouldn't read the holy words in our own tune right? Than why do we need to listen to music, listen to words which do not make sense at all, soo much dis-respective language used and most of all mentioned Love all the time which we know its haram in our religion than why do we still do it? These days music do not only have bad language used but also scenes which contains nudity and soo much more.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are proving the world that Muslims are the weakest ones, they laugh at us, so why dont we try to change this and prove the world that we can really stay without music and be the best of the bests? Today, make up your mind, dont let your self control you but try to control your self. Try to listen to the Holy words of Qur'an and see how much relief it gives to us! If we can buy hundreds of music CD's than cant we buy one Qur'an CD? We can right? Than do it. Go to the Tabligh store and get a CD and listen to it, you can even download it from your Windows Madia player. Just once, if you are the beliver and want to change this than do it today! Lets altogether try this, try not to listen to music for a whole month. Avoid it, Recite the words from the Holy Qur'an, listen to the words, cry and ask for forgiveness, this is a Holy month of Ramadhan, Allah subhana wataallah will listen to you, he is the forgiver. Do it today or never. Think of the imams, the paste, think of the day when you will be questioned under six feet deep.
Allah Hafidh.


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