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A special forum created for the purpose of the Editorial Team of BIZ Magazine ( a production of Ask) to discuss, organize and work on the BIZ Magazine project. To apply for joining the team please contact Hasin
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By Muhammad Mahdi
I think we had talked about having a sports page as well?
By Mazhar
S a
I was thinkin of havin an article on the problems/punishments we mite face if we do kat e rahm(break off relationships with relatives)
Ive personally seen articles on this subject mostly emphasising on the benefits of maintainin relationships so this wud be a new way of approachin this problem(scaring the hell out of people :lol: ) since this is happenin a lot in our community
Lemme know wat u guys think
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By Muhammad Mahdi
I think articles about tawassul and shafaa need to be read by our cmmunity.
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By Umm.aly
I agree with Mohamed Mahdi on Tawassul and shafaa.. maybe in contemporary issues?
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By Muhammad
what we can do is give a particular section to these kinds of issues..lets say tawassul and kat-e-rahm....if we can get more topics (which wil come up eventually) we can dedicate 1 article from 1 of these topics to b put in 1 issue of the magazine..and in the next issue the other topic can b coverd and discussed..
By Shabnam
Salams all...

I think the idea of having a section on Nahi anil munkar and amr bil maaruf is excellent... I think that there are so many times when we know that our friends or relatives are wrong.. and weknow about those actions yet we fail to make them understand and bring them to the right path...

Due to this act of silence we dont realise that the person whom we fail to make understand may not only be spoiling his own life but also the people around him.. I think its a great idea

By Shabnam
I think nwe shud name it something like... Forgotten Issues...

I have thought of that coz these are issues that we all know, hear in majlises etc... but usually dont implement... Is it that we have forgotten or??
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By Tayyaba
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By Umm.aly
Food for thought is good! Since we already have the section..
or 'Just a reminder..!' gng along with wat tayyaba and shabu suggested
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By Umm.aly
Food for thought is good! Since we already have the section..
or 'Just a reminder..!' gng along with wat tayyaba and shabnam suggested
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By Tayyaba
hey nice oneee hasin ...i like em ..!!

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