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Would you ever do Muta?

Not sure
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By *SweetY*
i wanted to know if muta can be carried out just between the two people with no witnesses?
Is mahr necessary? If the girl wants no mahr, is it ok? Or is mahr necessary and a part of the ritual?
Many thaks.
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By *SweetY*
When two people decide to do Mut'ah, do they have to be face to face during the procedure. Can it be done over the phone or any other source of communication?
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By qarrar
*SweetY* wrote:i wanted to know if muta can be carried out just between the two people with no witnesses?
Is mahr necessary?
When two people decide to do Mut'ah, do they have to be face to face during the procedure. Can it be done over the phone or any other source of communication?
You sure do have lively questions. According to me the answer to your first question is no, that it is not necessary to have witnesses to a marriage contract, however I am not entirely sure about this. I deduced this from Ayatullah Syed Seestani’s Taudhiul Masae’l ruling number 2372 and 2378 (i.e. parties to a marriage contract can recite the marriage formulae themselves with no mention of witnesses). On your second question, yes mahr is necessary but it need not be adequate nor sufficient (but don’t use this as your intention as a precautionary measure). Please also do refer to ruling number 2385 and 2386 (inter alias).

As far as I know and have seen in our community as long as the contract is recited over an instantaneous method of communication then there’s no problem but again please do verify.
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By *SweetY*
hehe well i 'l take that as a compliment, thanks! :D I thought i'd cum with a bit of kik, u knw livin things up alil..! :wink: hehe.... thanks for your reply. Oh n wud u happen to knw if it wud b ok if sumone else pays for the mahr on the guys behalf but only as a loan, so after he can pay the person back? Ok, i knw quite a weird question :?
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By qarrar
*SweetY* wrote:Oh n wud u happen to knw if it wud b ok if sumone else pays for the mahr on the guys behalf but only as a loan, so after he can pay the person back? Ok, i knw quite a weird question :?
Hmm no money but wants to get married…why is it that this situation rings a bell :?: :roll: I see no problem in the use of a loan to pay mahr as long as there’s an intention to pay it back but there again I am no marja so would advise you seek another opinion as-well.
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By *SweetY*
hmmm, mayb coz sum1's bin in this situation b4 :roll: i dnt mean uu :wink: lol, im onli jokin.... hmmmm, sounds lyk gud advice... thnx... lol... seems lyk ur the onli 1 willing to reply to my weird questiosn :oops: ...! lol... thnx! :)
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By qarrar
*SweetY* wrote:seems lyk ur the onli 1 willing to reply to my weird questiosn :oops: ...! lol... thnx! :)
I should stop it seems, don’t want to be seen as encouraging such behaviour… :)
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By *SweetY*
What is soo wrong in 'such behaviour'. Maybe weird questions but could be helping some one in such a situation! :wink: Now you wouldn't want to miss out on the good deed! :P
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By qarrar
*SweetY* wrote:What is soo wrong in 'such behaviour'? Maybe weird questions but could be helping some one in such a situation!
Indeed I fully concur, and agree these are the issues facing today’s youth which aren’t being addresses by the community and the mimbar to a certain extent. But the ‘Khoja’ community frown upon such behaviour even if is legalised by the Jaffery school of thought… :?
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By *SweetY*
hmmmm, now who are we to judge others, and since when should people care sooo much of others thoughts, althoug it is important but to an extent. It is allowed in religion, and is there for a reason. Now to not use this when needed, is in my eyes blatant stupidity! It may be frowned upon, but it is the right way. There are too many 'khoja' youngsters today roaming around with the oppisite gender and getting sins. It is better to do Mut'ah and be frowned upon by humas rather than being a coward towards others views and going against Allah's laws.
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By qarrar
Yes I totally agree, but Mut’ah is no simple matter either; look at the prerequisites required for first timers especially girls and you will see that even as a religious solution to these problems it isn’t as easy as it seems. Abstinence and permanent marriage are much easier and less ambiguous but they also have their own inherent problems which are widely known. Let’s just pray to the Almighty that he guide today’s youth and show us the right path. Ameen.
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By *SweetY*
It isn't easy but what is easy in life after all? :wink: As it is frowned upon by khoja communities, we should teahc others of this as it may help them and keep youngsters away from many sins. Mut'ah has its pros and cons just as any other thing. The new generations shouldn't see it as sopmething wrong or a burden to do. The right ways need to be taught. :wink:
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By *SweetY*
oh and i totally agree with you, Ameen! :)
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By abuali
*SweetY* wrote:Salaam,
i wanted to know if muta can be carried out just between the two people with no witnesses?
Is mahr necessary? If the girl wants no mahr, is it ok? Or is mahr necessary and a part of the ritual?
Many thaks.

What happened to this discussion? Only yourself and qarrar seemed to have been involved.

As for your questions, I agree with qarrar. According to masaael of Aga Sistani, witnesses are not necessary.

Mahr is necessary, but does not need to be in monetary terms. It can be anything of value. for example, a box of chocolates. Do keep in mind that its the girl who has the right to ask for mahr.

There are various other pre-requisites for Muta to be in order. These need to be followed strictly so that the Muta is in order.

As for the loan, I dont think its a problem. Infact, the guy can even give mahr from any gifts that he has received. And mahr doesnt have to be paid at the time of Muta recitation...it can be paid later as well. Although it is recommended to be paid at the time of the recitation.
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By *SweetY*
i know nobody else seemed to be interestes :S.. thanks for joining in though =)

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