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Is Suicide Bombing justified and thus right?

It's your typical every other day scenario on the news, depicting a suicide bomber having "blown up innocent civillians on a bus." Is this Islamic? Is it a religiously motivated act? No. Or is it? I dont know... that's where we need to dig deeper and think and express our opinions on this very controversial issue.

There's thise huge misconception on Zionism and Judasim which ties in with this issue of "blowing up the Kuffaar." Judaism is not what we're up against, we're in harmony with them - to an extent. It's Zionism we really need to pinpoint and combat. I hope to provide more insight into the two and how they radically differ, in fact, are direct antithesis and opposites of each other, in the near future within this thread insh.

So back to the our original debate. Is suicide bombing Islamic? Definitely not. The Prophet's methodology and strategy of war clearly reflect this. Is it a religiously motivated act? I'm sure a few heads nod at the key word "religious". I've heard people literally say "they're blowing themselves up to glorify Allah." I pity the height of stereotyped misconceptions.

Personally, I believe it is more of an act of desperation and no doubt there might be a slight element of religious motivation, but it's pretty much Palestine's only defence method. But is that any consolation? Does that justify it? I do realize that I will get PELTED on disregarding the plight of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and their situation, however, the ONLY reason I'm doing this is because the truth... the law... will not appeal to emotions - a heart breaking tale of a helpless palestinian baby being mercilessly murdered will not decide who's right or who's wrong. Why? Simply and very sadly because that's how the world has been shaped. So let the comments flow...

Yas wrote:There's thise huge misconception on Zionism and Judasim which ties in with this issue of "blowing up the Kuffaar." Judaism is not what we're up against, we're in harmony with them - to an extent. It's Zionism we really need to pinpoint and combat. I hope to provide more insight into the two and how they radically differ, in fact, are direct antithesis and opposites of each other, in the near future within this thread insh.

Isn’t the whole of Israel based on Zionist ideals? The idea of them being the misplaced people and by creating Israel and occupying the territories gained in 1967 they are making ‘amends to this historical wrongs’. Bottom line they are occupying Palestinian lands, which is against international law and now they are building this massive walls around the West Bank which in some areas goes right through the middle of Palestinian fields, towns and schools.
I realise that this topic may seem somewhat of a dead duck. But i had to react to the comment on "the bottom line", being them occupying palestinian lands. Qarrar, as you said, they have been occupying their lands since 1967, and since then violence and suicide bombings have only made the palestinians loose sympathy and empathy from the international community. Israel is using their political ties, and the "might is right" concept to get what they want mostly. Dont you think Palestinians should evaluate their situation especially at this stage, with Sharon probably not going to be in the picture again? Instead what do they do? They fight amongst each other! This is where the muslims always loose out. The enemies divide them, and then conquer!!!!!!
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By qarrar
I have in no way indicated in my earlier post that violence is the answer to this problem. What I meant with the “the bottom line” is that the occupation and breaching of international law should be the basis for tough negotiations with the Israelis (if that’s possible in the first place).

I personally think that even without Sharon in the picture anymore the Palestinians are going to have a tough battle on their hands with the current Prime Minister Ehud Olmund former mayor of Jerusalem, even though he started in favour of the occupation idea has now moved away from it and is preaching withdrawal, but he still holds the view that the Israelis are not the occupiers of Jerusalem nor are they the aggressors in fact to quote him correctly he said “we are the sovereigns of Jerusalem”.
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By kulsham
Yas!! your thread is confusing me, you have total of 3 questions here..

1st - Would you blow yourself up? - Suicide Bombing!!
2nd - Is suicide bombing justified, thus right?
3rd - Is this Islamic? Is it a religiously motivated act? No. Or is it? I dont know

oh god that make more than 3

this is confusing...

alright i voted YESSSSSSSSSSS (with CAPITAL)

Sit with those people who have seen the most deepest pain, and you will only see HURT in their eyes.... you can never calm them, the way they see their father killed infront of their eyes, sisters raped, brothers (Raped) killed... Mothers- no idea...
A group of some 200 men and women wearing black checkered Palestinian headscarves gathered to express their solidarity with the Palestinians, watching footage of Arab children killed in the conflict.

“I am ready to die for those poor children. I am ready to offer my blood,” said 17-year-old Zahra, wearing the all-enveloping black chador.

according to my point of view, if the same problems would have occured in USA, these whites would have done the same, Suicide bombing, but oh yes in a smart way, they use brains, it doesnt look suicide but loooks murder...!!!

furthermore i am not good in explaining or talking that is y i never took part in DEBATES but yes my views r clear here..... take time n watch news, or try to visit Baghdad, Taliban and IRaq (I mean VISIT)... check out their pains... you will die cry...

but yes, killing innocent civilians is totally wrong, but One react the way one acts upon them, When Bush raised war about Mass thing in Taliban!! in the end he was wrong, and many innocent people died in it, well of course they were poor, no weapons to fight back!

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