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By Muhammad Mahdi
imz where do u get the online versions of the books from?
upload yrself

can u get me deltora quest return to del
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By Yas
hasin wrote:Hey bookworms

I have been looking for a book for some time without much luck.

It is called:

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

By any chance, do any of you have it? :?: If so, can I borrow it?
aw dont worry I'll be your friend Hasin. :D

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By abuali
aw dont worry I'll be your friend Hasin.
Phew! Thanks Yas. I had almost given up hope. Was hoping to find solace in the book :wink:

By the way, I recommend this book to all. In a way it propogates selflessness...(albeit for a selfish reason of gaining friends)...but if we have the right mind set, it helps us value others.

Imz thanks again and sorry for making you go through the trouble of searching for it and uploading it.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
bittorrents are to slow
p2p morpheus is good
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By Muhammad Mahdi
thot so and theyre require pretty large space too... abt a gig i reckn..
the p2p?
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