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By Tayyaba
This is so funny , had to share it with you'll!!! :lol:

He's cleaning his automobile.
Wa Shing Ka.

This is a tow away zone.
No Pah King.

Is there a fugitive here?
Hu Yu Hai Ding?

Small Horse
Tai Ni Po Ni.

Your price is too high!!!
No Bai Nut Ding!!!!

Did you go to the beach?
Wai Yu So Tan?

I bumped into a coffee table.
Ai Bang Mai Ni.

It's very dark in here.
Wai So Dim?

Has your flight been delayed?
Hao Long Wei Ting?

I thought you were on a diet.
Wai Yu Mun Ching?

They have arrived.
Hia Dei Kum.

Your body odor is offensive.
Yu Stin Ki Pu.

I got this for free.
Ai No Pei.

You know lyrics to the Macarena?
Wai Yu Sing Dum Song?

Stay out of sight.
Lei Lo.
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By kulsham
i just dont like this language y one has to speak from the nose? i nevr speak Kutchi language coz of the same reason..
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By kulsham
imz wrote:haha nice one tayz!

kachi from d nose?.. i dont think kachi is spoken from the nose..
hmmm the tune sum how has to pass from the nose!!!
try this...

aaon tonke chaanto, hanne auon kurno karnnra!! lolz... there r plenty..ummm..
inke khapndho!! lol.. ask yr katchi friends to speak then judge :p
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By Tayyaba
hahaha.....i like chinese language as well....hello in chinese is Nyi Haa...i knw i havent spelled it right..lol...thats the only thing i knw in chinese...
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By Tayyaba
hahahaa....mayb i spelt it wrong , not nyi haaaaaaa lol...jus nyi ha hehe 4get it :lol:
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By Yas
kulsham wrote:i just dont like this language y one has to speak from the nose? i nevr speak Kutchi language coz of the same reason..
What do you speak then?
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By kulsham
imz wrote:haha.. fine! guilty.. guess m soo used to it thats y...
aaon tonke chaanto, hanne auon kurno karnnra!!...inke khapndho
btw nice sentences kul. :lol:

nyi ha? aint that wat the cowboys shout in d movies... :?:
loollllzzz ... sense of humor lolzz... good one!

@ YAS - > i speak French at home only , neh just joking lol.. swahili, n English, most of all Gujrati -- :)
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By Yas
Bahu fine che. I think. Actually I think our community has quite a strong cultural heritage and richness. Typically in the west you'd speak english and an additional european language prolly french. We speak english, urdu, gujrati, kachi... amazing reli. Only challenge is to preserve it for the generations down the line.
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By Sayyeda
Kulsham wrote:
i just dont like this language y one has to speak from the nose? i nevr speak Kutchi language coz of the same reason..
hmmm the tune sum how has to pass from the nose!!!
try this...

aaon tonke chaanto, hanne auon kurno karnnra!! lolz... there r plenty..ummm..
inke khapndho!! lol.. ask yr katchi friends to speak then judge :p
Kutchi is a sweet language... :)

We don't speak from the nose... or rather... there's no nasal sound... its just that those people who's kutchi is kabisa perfect pronounce words that way... esp Sunni people...

instead of saying...

ongoranne winnati...

they say....

Wenjanle winnati :roll: hehe

Gujrati is kidogo odd... sometimes I end up saying
Maru paaag dukhe che... :oops:
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By Sajida
hehe!N kachhi is not spoken from the nose..it does sound from the nose when people talk in what we call..SHUDH KACHHI!
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By imz
hahaha... i guess the way we speak kachi/gujurati - the words in it are almost similar to each other altho in actual sense they differ big time.. i guess everyone has different way of speakin a lang.. such as sajida pointed out.. sunni loka kachi makhraj thi bolanta.. ekle .. overall iz d bes lang init!

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