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By Poonam
Is a wife allowed to dance before a husband?
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By Tayyaba
hello poonam
well dancin isnt allowed in islam .. so i guess u wouldnt be allowed to dance b4 ur husband..but i guess we need some scholar answers here..this question is very tough lol
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By Sajida
Well im not too sure abt this either,i feel dancing wud b okay coz itd b infront of yr husband..provided thrs no music behind....i donno we need sum1 to answer this question..nice question.. :!:
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By sadika
hmm... i guess dancing for ones husband wud be ok since its only the husband and wife....abt music i am not sure. What if a husband asks his wife to dance for him?
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By Tayyaba
i mean u cant dance widout music innit! soo??
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By sadika
hmm...cant you?
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By Tayyaba
ummm.... :? ....HELP HELP HELP :lol: lol
By minhaal2000
She knows how to dance.........? LoL
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By Tayyaba
boys eh will jus remain boys LOL ... :lol:
By minhaal2000
Look at all the replies...LOL you girls should go to IRAN..all of you..U'd probably drive the Aalims crazy...

but then again what ever makes you happy ....u know..lol
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By Sajida
LOL r we thaaaaaat zuzu type ke the aalims will go crazy???come on girls support man..he is one in here for now :wink:
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By Tayyaba
by the way where is poonam herself...?? :?

and ny learned scholars plz answer this question????
By minhaal2000
hey Not one........one man army!...

and where is she i'v got sooo many questions. .. I can become this temporary lawyer....LOL
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By Sajida
Minhaal..now THAT is blowing yr own trumpetttt..but no problem..hota hai :lol:
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By arsenic
dancing....?? hehe
if im not mistaken....dnt u have to knw to dance in the first place ... in order to dance infront of yr husband..... i mean i cud hardly move my leg if im told to dance...
and for heavens sake why wud he want u to DANCE of all things.....!!!???? :roll:

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