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By abuali
Salaam Alaykum

The Ask team has been thinking of a couple of ideas recently, and we would like to get feedback from all, including criticisms before we undertake these activities.

Here they are: -

1. A Kiswahili Section on the Ask forums

2. A Job Vacancy/Resume section

3. A Life Saving and First Aid training session for both men and women

Let the brainstorming begin and lets get some views...
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By Aliyah
Walaykum salaam!

Well mashallah the above ideas are great! actually I am out of ideas due to this busy life. Will let you know inshallah when i have thought of something.


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By Sajida
Hey salaams hasin..great ideas..NEED TO LEARN KISWAHILI MAN!!!Even the first aid training session wud be really grt if u get someone to take over it..n the job vacancy forum wud help everyone too..very useful..i think u shud go ahead it putting dem :)
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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam

Well here is some more info on the ideas...

1. Kiswahili Section - Ask is currently discussing the plans with Bilal Muslim Mission Tanzania...and a section shall soon be up with resources

2. Job Vacancy/Resume section shall be up as soon as possible...I hope everyone uses it.

3. The Life Saving/First Training is planned to be a roughly four-training session (about 2hrs each) program and will be handled by professionals. We are also hoping to have a certification option at the end. Before Ask goes on to organize this training, we would like to know how many men and women would be interested in attending and if there are any suggestions.

Thank you for replying Aliyah and Sajida
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By Umm.aly
Hey i think the first aid idea is marvellous! count me in!
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By Sayyeda
Sounds good to me!

I'm up for it as well!
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By Sajida
Heyyy m up for it too..brilliant idea!
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By knowledgeseeker
salaam alaykum...
What about a scholar/learned person who posts lessons for members specific to the forumn... and on topics in demand.. and then tests n all - like studying...
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By Tayyaba
heyyy plz do put the first aid thing
By keenfarhan
I agree. I think knowledge of first aid is very essential especially in today's high traffic fast paced world. Im definitely up for it...
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By Tanveer

I was just thinking of adding another topic under the discussion forum called LIFE SUPPORT. Under this topic, members can post articles, etc related to self-building and everything generally about life. As the name suggests, the articles and posts should contain the daily interactions about life, how to react to certain circumstances and improve ourselves and our attitudes, etc. Basically, self-building together with quotes and examples from other people, etc.

What do you think about it??

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