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Shaykh Muhammad Kamran has been pursuing Islamic Studies at Al Mustafa International University Qom since 2012 and has specialized in the areas of Fiqh and Usool. He also holds a degree in Accounting. He is currently serving as the Head of Academics for the Hussayni Madressa Dar es Salaam.

Moderator: KamranAli

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By Insaan
Dear Sheikh

Is there a ruling that disallows applying of perfume for women?

Is there a similar ruling for men?
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By KamranAli
Question: Is it permissible for a lady to go out of her house for some errands perfumed, with the fragrance of her perfume reaching non-Mahram men?
Answer: It is not permissible if it tempts a non-Mahram man or normally causes him excitement (arousal), and she ought not do that.

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By Insaan
Dear Sheikh

How would I, as a woman, know if the perfume I normally wear, would cause arousal to the men I come across when I am am out and about doing my daily routine like shopping or at my college or workplace?

‘Ought not’ means haram or makrooh?
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By KamranAli
1) The deciding factor that will it cause arousal to the men or not will be the Urf (the society where you live).

2) Ought not means she must refrain from doing that.

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