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Shaykh Muhammad Kamran has been pursuing Islamic Studies at Al Mustafa International University Qom since 2012 and has specialized in the areas of Fiqh and Usool. He also holds a degree in Accounting. He is currently serving as the Head of Academics for the Hussayni Madressa Dar es Salaam.

Moderator: KamranAli

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By Sibtain

I have a non-Muslim boy who wants to marry a Muslim girl and I have been discussing Islam with him. My hope is to convince him to become a Muslim before he gets married to the girl.

Having talked to him a few times, I get the feeling that he is ready to accept that there is one God but other than that he is not ready to accept other things in Islam and the laws of Islam, instead he prefers to use personal logic to make judgements about his own practices for e.g. he wants to pray Salaah in English because he feels Arabic is too hard for him to learn, he wants to continue listening to music or attend gatherings (like a friends marriage) where alcohol is served, and is not totally convinced about the concept of Prophethood, Imamah and Marjaiyyah.

He is also not ready to stop his old religious practices in his own home with his parents because he does not want them or anyone else to find out that he is learning Islam and becoming a Muslim. For the same reason, he is reluctant to talk to any learned scholar or attend the mosque with me.

I will continue discussing with him to the best of my ability but what is the limit of my discussion. Is there a time when I can consider that there is no hope anymore and I should not engage anymore, or should I continue discussing as much as possible.

Should I teach him how to pray and make him recite the kalimah (both in English) even though he is not accepting the core beliefs and does not want to pray the way we have been told to but wants to become a Muslim (in theory) so he can get married.

What should I advise the girl and her family in this situation.

Thank you

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