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Shaykh Muhammad Kamran has been pursuing Islamic Studies at Al Mustafa International University Qom since 2012 and has specialized in the areas of Fiqh and Usool. He also holds a degree in Accounting. He is currently serving as the Head of Academics for the Hussayni Madressa Dar es Salaam.

Moderator: KamranAli

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By Insaan
Q: if you have a Christian dependent on you, do you have to pay his/her fitra?
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By KamranAli
Ruling 2005. A person must give fitrah on behalf of all those who are considered to be his dependents at the time of sunset on the eve of Eid al-Fitr, irrespective of whether they are young or old, Muslims or disbelievers, and whether it is obligatory on him to pay for their living expenses or not, and whether they are in his town or in another town.

It is recommended to offer a two unit prayer betwe[…]

Al An'aam (The Cattle)

Short tafsir on Suratul An'aam (The Cattle) Part 2[…]

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Imam Muhammad al-Taqi's death marked a significant[…]

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