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Hope you all are in great health.

I wanted to enquire if anyone knows what these chairs are all about?

Why has it suddenly been introduced? Have the members od community been asked about their opinions before it being introduced?

Because I see hardly 3 to 4 chairs being utilised... and those even by 7 or 8 year old kids.

What is the purpose of this? Has our imambarghah turned into a theatre naudhubillah.

Shall appreciate people's views


Iltemase dua

Thanks for your view.

Actually these are also there during Wafats.

This is what really irritated me. I see kids playing with those chairs during the majalis.

Only saw 2 senior members use those chairs.

And it is right in the middle.

Has our imambargah become a theatre (naudhubillah)?

Aren't the chairs in the extension enough for senior citizens?

I don't know where our community is heading.

More views appreciated.
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By Insaan
the chairs are placed to allow the elderly and those with back problems to be able to sit at the front. The chairs in the extension are not enough as they are all occupied and elderly are left with no choice.

why do you think the chairs make the imambarga a theatre?

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