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Tragedy struck, people came together, the families and communities mourned... What next?

As a community and as a nation, what makes us intelligent beings is the ability to learn from mistakes. This can only happen if and when we are prepared to discuss these mistakes.

Volunteers who were involved in the rescue efforts generally agree that a post-mortem meeting should be organized by the jamaat where volunteers who were present, specialists, families and any other related party, be allowed to contribute ideas, criticisms, commendations and so on. These can then be used to formulate a better understanding of what was done as it should have and what was not. With this understanding not only will we:

1. Be better prepared in case of any such future disasters
But also
2. Take safety measures seriously in various projects and undertakings that as a jamaat we are involved in.

So far this meeting is not forthcoming. We shall email the jamaat to request this meeting be arranged.

In the meanwhile, if you have ideas or were involved in trying to assist, please post your contribution, be it praise or criticism or just an idea here. This thread will serve as a collection of these ideas which inshallah can benefit us all in the future.
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Username: Insaan
Password: passask

it was truly a tragedy.

I wasn't present when it happened. But I heard a lot of things from those who were present. To me it felt like our response was disorganised and therefore not effective enough.

What would be really surprising is finding out that the jamat doesn't find this tragedy deserving of a post-mortem. Usually any jamat activity gets a postmortem. This tragedy is such an occurrence that b y not having a postmortem would be unfair to those who lost their lives and their families.

A question that keeps surfacing is why in the first place were kids playing under the shadow of a construction site?

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