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Doctor M. Shabbir is currently answering medical questions

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By Muntazir
I've noticed tht there's no Doc arnd who can reply to our Questions? Where's the Doc? Got lodsa to ask you !

N e ways, these r my followin questions, hope i get a quick reply from u ..:

1. Smoking is a mojor problem in teenagers, some say its for fun, some say its for a quick relief on Tensions, problems n stuff.. Some say "we're jus too addictive to it" Some say its jus for a while but never quit..

Personally, i used to smoke for a bit back long, i realised its not worth a point percent of my life.. I've quit and its been 2years i've not come closer to it nor do i crave for it.. I jus woke up one day light, decided not to bother to it n so i've been on the safe side since.. I din understand or nor do i up to this point tht y did i even start tht i had to stop! But it was kinda bothering whn i used to see my friends doin it while i dont.. It was really pissing off.. Can u plz explain this?

Another thing, my dad has been smoking since when he was 13 i guess, n he still does.. He'z soo sick of it but cant jus get over with it no matter wht! Why? Is it tht addictive or is it jus the Thinking? Explain plz?
Can u as wel tell us all the dis-advantages, side effects n so on smoking?

2. Mirungi.. Prolly ud know wht tht means.. It started with the Somalian's with such habit of chewing the grass and now its a major act with most of the Indians.. All i knw it keeps u awaken, tht's it.. As wel heard tht after the age of 40 or so, u wudn't b able to satisfy your wife enough.. Can u please explain in details wht Mirungi are? Wht r their advantages n non? Hw does it keeps us awake n wht r the all side effects?

Tht's all for now..
By Shaina
im a 4th year medical student but NOT yet a doc!so im just going to comment on what i know about smoking!
just wanted to say something about smoking.smokin habbit becomes addictive.although it depends on how long has a person been smoking!cigarrettes have NICOTINE in them...this chemical, gets through the blood circulation and causes addiction in the same way that heroin and cocaine.Depending on how tobacco is taken, nicotine can reach peak levels in the bloodstream and brain rapidly.It stimulates the central nervous system, increasing the heart beat rate and blood pressure, leading to the heart needing more oxygen.Acute nicotine administration and acute nicotine withdrawal have been shown to have effects on mood, arousal, and cognition in humans.
Addiction is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative health consequences, and tobacco use certainly fits the description.
Side effects are numerous as there are 1000s of chemicals in cigarrettes.but here are some:
*Women who smoke generally have earlier menopause. If women smoke cigarettes and also take oral contraceptives, they are more prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases than are other smokers.
*Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes run an increased risk of having stillborn or premature infants or infants with low birthweight. Children of women who smoked while pregnant have an increased risk for developing conduct disorders.
*The Environmental Protection Agency has concluded that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in adults and greatly increases the risk of respiratory illnesses in children and sudden infant death.
*Nicotine is highly addictive. It is both a stimulant and a sedative to the central nervous system. The ingestion of nicotine results in a discharge of epinephrine from the adrenal cortex. This causes a sudden release of glucose. Stimulation is then followed by depression and fatigue, leading to seek more nicotine.
*In addition to nicotine, cigarette smoke is primarily composed of gases (mainly carbon monoxide) and tar. The tar in a cigarette exposes the user to a high risk of lung cancer, emphysema and bronchial disorders. The carbon monoxide in the smoke increases the chance of cardiovascular diseases.
i hope this bit was helpful! about MIRUNGI!I still need to find out!i'll try my best to let u knw!
By Shaina
jsut some info on MIRUNGI,also called catha edulis(scientific name i assume :?
Health experts have also noted that Khat may cause serious health complications that may lead to brain damage. It has been reported that consumption of khat leads to sleeplessness and some symptoms of impotence among men, have been experienced.
tats it from me!i dnt intend to write a longer email....
:oops: shaina
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By Muntazir
Hey Shaina,
Thanks alot for the reply.. I hope this would help a few friends of mine who smoke n chew grass.. Lol..

N e ways, I wanned to ask if there's n e side effects on Smokin Sheesha?
By Shaina
salaams Muntazir,
please cn u tell me wat are other names for seesha????i dnt happen to recognize this word, may b if u cud give me other words used to call it.thnx.tc
As Salaamun Aleykum

It has been really long, isnt' it? Well, I'm sure you best be knowing a lot about Sheesha now. I have researched a lot on Sheesha myself, however, it would be nice to know something more from you.

By Shaina
salaams Muntazir, yea its been long, did not get the details from you about sheesha but i did find out what it is (curiosity).....anyways ummm i must say i dnt knw much about sheesha, hav to do abit of research on it yet....but its surely abit safer than the other modes of smoking for the following reasons (pls DNT quote me) as i still hav to do some research n get back to you for it....
1. sheesha, smoke passes through water, so it tends to absorb or rather dissolve most of the smoke n chemicals thn the sticks....
2. the passive smoke that is even more harmful can be kept far away from the smoker unlike the sticks, coz the smoker ends up breathing in both the smoke (passive) n the inhaled smoke (active)
im not in any way supporting sheesha but just a few points....
sorry for nt being bale to respond since then, insh this time il get back to u soon.
I just stumbled upon your discussion about Shisha and decided to add my two cents worth to it.

It is such a popular trend among the youths and adults alike - one can be forgiven to think the practice is safe and harmless. Well lets think again.

I first came across the effects of the water-pipe/shisha on a research about bladder carcinoma and malignancies. I came upon a paper that conducted a study among Pakistani women to determine if there was a link between Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder in women and smoking water pipes. The study concluded there was a link and that smoking was the most detrimental factor they found.

Fast forward to today - a bit of research has made me realize just how much we are in dark about the detrimental effects of Shisha.

I have pasted some abstracts of articles from Peer-reviewed journals.

International Journal of clinical pharmacology and therapuetics
June 2002; 40(6):249-55.
Hubble-bubble (water pipe) smoking: levels of nicotine and cotinine in plasma, saliva and urine.

Shafagoj YA, Mohammed FI, Hadidi KA.
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman. yanals@ju.edu.jo

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was to assess the levels of nicotine and cotinine in biological fluids (plasma, saliva, and urine) following hubble-bubble (HB) smoking. METHODS: Fourteen healthy male volunteers, aged 28 +/- 8 years, body weight of 82.7 +/- 13.53 kg, participated in the study. All volunteers were habitual HB smokers for 3.29 +/- 1.90 years who smoked at least 3 runs per week with an average of 20 g Mua'sel per run. Volunteers were requested to avoid smoking, at least 84 hours prior to the time of the study. After baseline samples were taken, volunteers started smoking 20 g of Mua'sel for a period of 45 minutes. Heparinized blood samples (5 or 10 ml each) were drawn for nicotine and cotinine analysis before, during and after the smoking period. Saliva samples were collected just before smoking (time 0) and at the end of smoking (45 min). Urine also was collected at time 0 and 24-hour urine collection was also taken to measure nicotine and cotinine excretion. Nicotine and cotinine were extracted from samples and assayed by gas chromatography. All data are presented as mean +/- SEM throughout the text, Tables and Figures unless indicated otherwise. RESULTS: Plasma nicotine levels rose from 1.11 +/- 0.62 ng/ml at baseline to a maximum of 60.31 +/- 7.58 ng/ml (p < 0.001) at the end of smoking (45 min). Plasma cotinine levels increased from 0.79 +/- 0.79 ng/ml at baseline to its highest concentration of 51.95 +/- 13.58 ng/ml (p < 0.001) 3 hours following the end of smoking. Saliva nicotine levels significantly rose from 1.05 +/- 0.72 to 624.74 +/- 149.3 ng/ml and also saliva cotinine levels significantly increased from 0.79 +/- 0.79 ng/ml to 283.49 +/- 75.04 ng/ml. Mean amounts of nicotine and cotinine excreted in urine during the 24-hour urine collection following smoking were equal to 73.59 +/- 18.28 and 249 +/- 54.78 microg, respectively.

CONCLUSION: Following a single run of HB smoking, plasma, saliva and urinary nicotine and cotinine concentration increased to high values. This observation suggests that HB may not be an innocent habit, as people believe.

Pasted below is a link of an article from Pediatrics, the official journal of the american academy of pediatrics titled: Water-pipe (narghile) smoking: An emerging Health Risk behaviour. A must read for anyone wanting to know more about the effects of Shisha.

http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/c ... 116/1/e113
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By Muntazir

As Salaamu 'aleykum

I had my research done on Sheesha, and I've shared it with all of you on different forums if you check. I had requested Dr. Karim to provide me a study on Sheesha, I hope I receive it by the end of this week and share a little off with you.

Thank you.
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By Muhammad
On this note allow me to paste an article that appeared in white coats in one of the recent issues

They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. [Say]: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they ought to spend. Say: "That which is beyond your needs." Thus Allâh makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may give thought." ( 2:219 )

As if we didn’t have enough distractions when trying to keep on the right track, there is another craze in town, and it’s pretty “cool”, in fact it’s even cooler than cigarette smoking (common, let’s have better taste in choosing what is cool and what is not!) One of the worst part is that it is originally from the middle east – i wish the people accepted the Prophet (SAWW) as readily as they do things that harm them... Hookah/ Sheesha is a waterpipe instrument in which tobacco is placed and then passed through water with the intention of making the tobacco “pure” by removing the toxic substances which by the way is FALSE. It’s as good as making a sin pure. The tobacco used in hookahs comes in three forms: maasel contains tobacco mixed with honey or molasses, tumbak or ajami is pure tobacco paste, and jurak usually contains fruits or oils. Some smokers add alcohol, hashish or marijuana.
Keeping in mind this is not a Fiqh book; let us stick to the science of Sheesha. Apart from wasting time and money sheesha has been also proved beyond doubt to hurt the body. A quick fact before we go any further – the average time to finish a cigarette is between 5 to 10 minutes, while Sheesha smoking can go up for hours.
Smoking a water-pipe or hookah may be chic, but the carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar and heavy metals contained in the smoke pose often-ignored health threats. There is a myth that Sheesha smoking is safer than smoking cigarettes because the Sheesha smoke is filtered through water before it is inhaled. But recent studies have found that actually Sheesha smokers inhale more nicotine than do cigarette smokers because of the massive volume they inhale. According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) advisory, a typical one-hour session of hookah smoking exposes the user to 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette.
Even after passing through the water, the tobacco smoke produced still contains high levels of toxic compounds, including carbon monoxide, heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens). Carbon monoxide concentrations found in the bloodstreams of water-pipe smokers has been found to be quadruple the levels in cigarette smokers in various researches that have been published in medical journals. The nicotine content in water-pipe tobacco also tends to be higher than that found in cigarettes. Studies have
shown lung and bladder cancer rates are higher among water-pipe smokers than among nonsmokers, and they are also at risk from pulmonary disease and other types of malignancies.
A study of Egyptian couples also found an association between water-pipe smoking and infertility.
So my dear ones, when it comes to Sheesha smoking there is no grey area, it is crystal clear that it ends up making your lungs not so clear! Most of us tend to say “we shall die one day, so why not enjoy” but always remember it is upto us weather we want to die of our own negligence or we want to die defending Islam in the army of our Beloved Imam (ATFS).
After reading this article, you have put yourself in trouble. It is the right of everyone around you that you should spread this word to everyone of them!
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By Muntazir
Salaamun aleykum.

Interesting article there atika, and I see Br. Muhammad has some serious concerns about Sheesha smoking.

However, I find there's usually a lot of exaggeration on the effects of smoking Sheesha. Someone once told me that 30 mins of smoking Sheesha is equal to 2 packs of cigarettes, that's 40 sticks! I asked him if he could finish 40 sticks in 30 mins and he took a long gap and said......... "no, I can't, I'll die!"

No one says that Sheesha is unharmful, infact smoking 1 to 2 packs of cigarettes a day is way more injurious to our health than smoking Sheesha several minutes and few times a week. I would recommend Sheesha instead of cigarettes. The reason smoking cigarettes is more injurious and addictive is because its cheap, available almost every corner of the world and easy to carry and light. Sheesha on the other hand is expensive and difficult to carry, maintain and to even light it. There are more chances for a young school boy to start smoking cigarettes than Sheesha! So what should we be more concerned about? Infact there are more concerns about the youths indulging in bangi, mirungi, pombe and having haraam relationships with the opposite gender, which all the communities around the world are facing today.

Yes, life is short and one should definitely enjoy the life in this world in the best of its manner.

Also, there are now herbal and tobacco free Sheesha flavors available.
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By Muntazir
Salaamun aleykum.

Certainly, there is no doubt about that and we never denied it. But don't select the verses and leave the remaining parts.

O men! eat the lawful and good things out of what is in the earth, and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan; surely he is your open enemy.
Muntazir wrote:No one says that Sheesha is unharmful
Quran wrote:O men! eat the lawful and good things out of what is in the earth, and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan; surely he is your open enemy.
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By Muntazir
Salaamun aleykum.

If you read carefully than you would notice "Eat" and not "Smoking". Kindly go through the tafseer and the sha'ne nuzool of this verse to get a better understanding of what you're talking about and how you're quoting the verse to it just because you want to prove your point right dear brother.

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