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The sad first month of the Islamic calendar during which the family of the Holy Prophet were faced with a great ordeal and tragedy.
The current Zakira who is here for Ashra-e-Zainabiya (a.s) is also quite vocal about the fashion hijabs being worn. But sadly, people just look around and smile guiltily but its having no real effect on anyone.

I learnt something very interesting from her yesterday.

She related an incident whereby a woman in Shiraz Iran once dreamt about Bibi Fatima (a.s) telling her that a woman should have 6 qualities. On awakening, she went to one of the top Marja's then (i cannot recall the name) and asked him about her dream and perhaps to clarify what the 6 qualities are. The Marja told her to refer to Surah Mumtahana (The Examined Woman) ayah no 12.

The following is the translation of the above ayah:

"O Prophet! When believing women come to you giving you a pledge, that they will not associate any with Allah (swt), and will not steal, and will not commit fornication, and will not kill their children, and will not bring bring a slander (gossip) which they have forged of themselves and will not disobey you in what is good; accept their pledge, and ask forgiveness for them from Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "

Something definitely worth pondering on for us women, for the unmarried men to find these qualities in their future wives, and for the married ones to encourage the same in their wives.

Wishing you all Khushali Mubarak on this auspicious occasion of the birth of our holy Lady Fatima az Zahra (as).

Yesterday i heard a short talk on Bibi Fatimah (as) which i really appreciated. Sometimes although we are aware of all the facts and aspects of our Aimmah's lives, its great when someone sheds light on a different angle of the same aspect. Some of the points i appreciated in yesterday's talk are:

Tarbiyate Aulad:
When Bibi Fatimah (as) kept nadhr for her children to get better, the whole family joined her in fulfilling the nadhr of keeping the fasts. Having fasted for the entire day, at the end of the day, they all give away their food to the needy. And that too for 3 consecutive days. The food was not something extra for them, it was all they had and it was what they needed. But Subhanallah the lesson taught by them was, that they would give away what they needed as well for the welfare of others. Which is how Imam Husayn (as) on the day of Ashura; because of this tarbiyat, could sacrifice his all for saving humanity, because he was taught nothing less then that.

It is a lesson for us as well, who like to hoard our way along life, and if we have to give, will give the least most liked thing, or the things that we have gotten tired of or used up! Most importantly a guide to mothers on how the practical examples we show our children impact them. And no one can teach these important lessons better then a mother can. So rather then trying to free ourselves by keeping our children occupied otherwise so we can enjoy some free time to do our own thing, we should try and sow good akhlaq and habits in our children by practically guiding them all the time.

Status of the different roles played by a woman in life
As a daughter, a woman is rahmah (blessing) for her parents. And blessings are not questioned about.
As a wife, a woman is nisful Imaan for her husband i.e. half his faith (and vice versa).
As a mother, a woman status is most elevated having jannat under her feet.
Looking at Bibi Fatimah (as)'s life, the three roles she portrayed were the best ever any woman has ever achieved or will ever.
As a daughter she was titled Umme Abiha by her Holy father, for the care she used to show him, especially during the turbulent times risalah.
As a wife, she was declared by Imam Ali on the very second day of their marriage as being his best companion in Ibdadat!
And as a mother, her tarbiyate aulad resulted her sons to be the Leaders of the Youths in Paradise.

She is Sayyidatun Nisael Alamin. And on her birth occasion we celebrate Mothers Day and honour and appreciate our Mothers. But the best practice would be to gift the Holy Lady a spiritual gift on this day, either by doing a specific act in her name, or choosing to follow an attribute from her life for yourself.

May Allah (swt) give us the tawfiq to be good followers of the Holy Lady and adopt her attributes and way of life. :D

It would be great hearing some more points about this Holy Lady (as)
Syd. Naqvi talked about the conclusion of Sheikh Saduq of why Adhaan and Iqamah are to be recited in the right and left ears of a baby immediately after birth.

Adhaan and Iqamah are recited just before a slave initiates communion with his Master via prayer. However, the child is not going to pray, so why the adhaan and iqaamah.

Shk. Saduq says that the child begins his life with adhaan and iqamaah so that his entire life he should be in communion with Allag (swt). And the same Adhaan and Iqamah serve as Adhaan and Iqamah for his/her Namaaz-e-Mayyit (since there is no Adhaan and Iqamah for namaaz-e-mayyit)!
Jazakumullah to Maulana Musharraf Hussein for enlightening us with this invaluable information in one of his majaalis recited in this ashra.

Did Imam Hussein (as) win or lose in Karbala?

When we are asked this question, most of us without thinking, reply; zaahiran he lost because he was martyred but baatinan he won. Is our answer correct?

Now let’s examine our answer with help from Holy Quran. Let’s see verse no 1 of suratul Fath in which Almighty Allah [s.w.t] says: إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحًا مُبِينًا {1}
[Shakir 48:1] Surely we have given to you a clear victory

MashaAllah, exactly the verse we want as it is talking of CLEAR/MANIFEST VICTORY. Now let’s see when this verse might have been revealed.

From all the Jihad fought in defending Islam, let’s examine the most Important ones which might be the cause of the revelation of this verse.

[1]Battle of Badr: The first jihad in defense of Islam in which the faith of Muslims was put to serious test. The number of the army of truth did not exceed 313 whereas the army of falsehood was three times as big as that. The Muslims were poor in numbers, mounts and armor while the enemy had come with full strength to knock down Islam, consisting of 1000 strong men with 700 camels and 100 horses. In spite of all this, however, truth was victorious and the enemy returned to Makkah after having sustained heavy losses.

Regarding this battle the holy Quran says:
[Shakir 3:123] And Allah did certainly assist you at Badr when you were weak; be careful of (your duty to) Allah then, that you may give thanks.
[Shakir 3:124] When you said to the believers: Does it not suffice you that your Lord should assist you with three thousand of the angels sent down?

Now surely the verse in question must have been revealed here, as in this battle the impossible became possible by the help of Almighty and the Muslims were victorious.
But NO this verse wasn’t revealed for this grand victory of Muslims over infidels.

[2] Battle of uhud: As we know how this already won battle was turned in defeat when the Muslims left their position for the plundering the war booty which gave the running infidels time to gather their forces and attack from the rear. History says that this unexpected attack by the infidels put the Muslim in such chaos that they began running from the battle fields leaving only few true in faith like Imam Ali a.s, Hzt Hamzah to protect the Holy Prophet from the attack of the enemies. The hand of Allah (yadullah), Ali, unsheathed his sword; the fearless, unconquerable and ever-overpowering strength of Allah (asdadullah), Ali, demonstrated his singular prowess as the executor of wonders {mazhar al aja-ib). Ali put so memorable a fight that Jibrail gloried Ali's action with the celebrated sentence: "la fata illa Ali" (there is no man save Ali) and "la sayf illa dhulfiqar" (there is no sword save dhulfiqar).
The scene again changed and the three thousand proud warriors/infidels of Arabia ran from the battlefield like frightened rats.

Surely the verse in question must have been revealed here, as an almost defeated battle turned in clear victory.
No again, this verse wasnt revealed for this victory too.

[3]Battle of Ahzaab/tribes or battle of ditch/khandaq: This battle was called Ahzaab because all the tribes/parties of infidels and Jews had formed a united force to wipe out the Muslims. It is also known as khandaq because a ditch was dug around Madina by the Muslims to prevent the invaders from entering it.
When the giant hero/warrior of the infidels ‘’Amr ibn Abd wodd’’ finding a narrow place jumped over the ditch and challenged the Muslims to fight him in a duel, from all the Muslims only Imam Ali [a.s ]agreed to his challenge, [At this moment the Prophet (pbuh) uttered this historical sentence: "Entire faith is facing entire infidelity,"]
Imam Ali a.s wiped out this GIANT WARRIOR with one stroke, this shocked the enemy forces so much that it led to their retreat, no doubt The Holy Prophet said "[zurbato Aliyyin youmal Khandaq afzalo min ibadatith Thaqalain’’,i.e The one stroke of Ali on the day of khandaq/ditch is superior to the supplication of both the worlds [seen and unseen] .

The holy Quran says regarding this battle:
[Shakir 33:10] When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes turned dull, and the hearts rose up to the throats, and you began to think diverse thoughts of Allah.

Imagine the condition of Muslims plight who were saved by none other than Allah’s help through his beloved one, the hero of Islam, Imam Ali [a.s].
Now surely this was a very CLEAR VICTORY, this must be the battle in which the verse in question was revealed.
But again, NO, this verse wasn’t revealed for this outstanding victory.

[4]Battle of Khaiber: The famous battle against the treacherous Jews of Khaiber.They had built strong forts to protect themselves from any attack. Both Abu Bakr and Umar led the Muslims on separate occasions to try and enter the forts but they were forced to retreat. Umar even demoralized the Muslims by praising the courage of the chief of the Jews, a fearful warrior by the name of Marhab. This action of Umar displeased the Holy Prophet (pbuh) very much.

Finally, the Holy Prophet (S) announced a famous message. He declared,
"Tomorrow I shall give the standard to a person who loves Allah and the Prophet and who is loved by Allah and the Prophet, and Allah will accomplish the conquest of this fort at his hands. He is a man who has never turned his back to the enemy and does not run away from the battlefield”, and yes that person was no other then Imam Ali [a.s] who at that time was suffering from severe eye pain which were cured by the prayers of The Holy Prophet [s.a.w.w.] The Jews best warriors like Marhab were wiped out by Imam Ali and when during the fight someone struck a blow at Imam Ali (A), breaking his shield. He turned to the gate of the fort and wrenched it off its hinges and used it as a shield. When he finally threw it away, even 10 Muslims could not lift it. Imam Ali (A) later commented that he had lifted the gate by the strength granted to him by Allah due to his firm faith in the Day of Judgment.
As a result of the bravery of Imam Ali (A), the fort was taken and soon all forts were within the hands of the Muslims.

Now surely this must be the battle after which the verse in question must have been revealed.
But again, NO.

Then when was this verse actually revealed???


WHAT! Isn’t this the same treaty in which the second Khalifa said and this is even mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, Tazkirat al Karim and Rawdat al Ahbab that Umar bin Khattab expressed himself plainly that he had never before suspected so strongly the truth of Muhammad being the messenger of Allah (it means he had doubted many times before); and said: "Are you not a true messenger of Allah?

Isnt this the same treaty in which the muslims had to agree to a truce and sign a treaty with the infidels of makka and had to return to madina without performing the pilgrimage they had come for? Does this look like a clear victory or manifest loss???

Leaving aside all the battles won by the Muslims, the Holy Quran says after this treaty ''Inna fathana laka fathan mubeenan—Indeed we have inaugurated for you a clear victory! The Holy Quran deems the Treaty of Hudaibiya as Fath e Mubeen—a clear victory. How is that so???

Unbelievable as it sounds lets find out the answers from the treaty itself.
The following terms were put down in the treaty.
(i) There shall be no aggression on the part of any of the two parties for the next ten years, neither shall attack the other or their allies.
(ii) Whosoever wishes to join Muhammad and enter into a league with him shall have the liberty to do so. Likewise whoso wishes to join the Quraysh shall have the liberty to do so.
(iii) If any one goes over to Muhammad and is claimed back by his guardian he shall be sent back; but if any one from the followers of Muhammad returns to the Quraysh, he shall not be sent back.
(iv) Muhammad and his followers shall go back this year without entering the holy precincts.
(v) Next year Muhammad and his followers may visit Makka for three days, when the Quraysh shall retire therefrom. They will not enter it with any arms, save with a traveller's sword

Now, Read carefully the first two conditions of the treaty. History proves that because of these two conditions people from both sides were free to visit one another and this event led to infidels entering into the folds of Islam after being attracted by the genuiness of the true faith. Hence records tell us that In the 2 years which elapsed between the signing of the truce and the fall of Mecca more people accepted Islam than in the whole period since the beginning of the Holy Prophet's (S) mission.Islam crossed the borders of Arabia into other lands in four directions. SUBHANALLAH.

Now,what was the main aim of The Holy Prophet of Islam? To spread the religion of truth/Islam to mankind and this treaty fulfilled this aim, hence Almighty refers to it as ‘’CLEAR VICTORY”.


Now lets return to KARBALA and see whose aim was achieved:

Yazeed aim was to take bayyat/allegiance from Imam Hussein (as) and to make him accept yazeed as the rightful Khalifa. Was his aim fulfilled? NO.
Imam Hussein’s aim was not to do allegiance/bayyat of yazeed and not to accept him as the rightful khalifa at any cost. Did Imam a.s achieve his aim? YES.

Yazeed’s aim was to remove the name of Allah s.w.t and his Holy Prophet and claim that there was no message nor messanger sent from Allah s.w.t .Was his aim achieved? NO
Imam Hussein’s aim was to spread the message of ‘’There is no God save Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet’’.Did he achieve his aim? OH YES and what clear proof then in yazeed's own Palace,when yazeed wants to silence Imam Ali ibnal Hussein (as) he tells the muezzin to give adhaan and when in his own palace the muezzin recites Ashhaduanna Muhammadur Rasulullah,the 4th Imam turns to yazeed and asks him whether Muhammad is your grandfather or mine???Yazeed is speechless.

Yazeed’s aim was to suppress the event of karbala and the message of Imam Hussein (as) by belittling/making fun of family of Holy Prophet/ridiculing them in the eyes of people but again the question is ,was his aim achieved? NO as when he has no choice but to free the family of Holy Prophet from his prison,the same people of Syria who had thrown stones and fire on the family of Holy prophet when they were brought as captives are now coming to pay their respects and offer condolences for the martyred ones from the family of Holy Prophet.

The same Syria which was the ruling place of yazeed ,which had been decorated and was engaged in merry making at the arrivals of these captives is now clad in black mourning clothes with sounds of wailings and grief for the martyred family of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) . For three days the whole city mourns and The message of karbala is told and retold. The first majalis/commemoration of shohada-e-karbobala takes place in the same city.

Who achieved his aim/purpose, Imam Hussein (as) or yazeed [laanatullah]???

إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحًا مُبِين}

Last edited by Reyhana on 17 Dec 2011, 23:27, edited 2 times in total.
Learned from a majlis by our maulana that we all are being tested by Almighty as HE s.w.t. says in the Holy Quran:

أَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ أَنْ يُتْرَكُوا أَنْ يَقُولُوا آمَنَّا وَهُمْ لَا يُفْتَنُونَ {2}
[Shakir 29:2] Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and not be tried?

وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ ۖ فَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ صَدَقُوا وَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ الْكَاذِبِينَ {3}
[Shakir 29:3] And certainly We tried those before them, so Allah will certainly know those who are true and He will certainly know the liars.

The Maulana said that during the ghaybat of our 12th Imam we are being tested in the same way as Bani Israil were tested after the temporary disappearance of Prophet Musa from his people.

وَإِذْ وَاعَدْنَا مُوسَىٰ أَرْبَعِينَ لَيْلَةً ثُمَّ اتَّخَذْتُمُ الْعِجْلَ مِنْ بَعْدِهِ وَأَنْتُمْ ظَالِمُونَ {51}
[Shakir 2:51] And when We appointed a time of forty nights with Musa, then you took the calf (for a god) after him and you were unjust.

Prophet Musa stayed on the mount for forty days after which the law of Tawrat was given to him.. According to verse 142 of al Araf the stay was for thirty days, but subsequently the term was extended by ten more days {to test the faith of his people/Bani Israil.}
وَوَاعَدْنَا مُوسَىٰ ثَلَاثِينَ لَيْلَةً وَأَتْمَمْنَاهَا بِعَشْرٍ فَتَمَّ مِيقَاتُ رَبِّهِ أَرْبَعِينَ لَيْلَةً ۚ وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰ لِأَخِيهِ هَارُونَ اخْلُفْنِي فِي قَوْمِي وَأَصْلِحْ وَلَا تَتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ {142}
[Shakir 7:142] And We appointed with Musa a time of thirty nights and completed them with ten (more), so the appointed time of his Lord was complete forty nights, and Musa said to his brother Haroun: Take my place among my people, and act well and do not follow the way of the mischief-makers.

The delay created doubts in the minds of the Bani Israil about the genuineness of the prophethood of Musa, and unjustly they took up the worship of the calf and followed the deviated Samayri.

{Musa had appointed his brother, Harun, as his successor and deputy, during his absence. "Ali is to me as Harun was to Musa", declared the Holy Prophet. As the people of Musa violated their oath of loyalty to Harun and followed Samayri the magician, the ummah of Muhammad also turned their back upon Ali and pursued their own fancies. In this way the iman of the people was tested, and they were found doing injustice to themselves.}

We the followers and lovers of Ahlul Bayt who have adhered to the right path have to realize that we also are being tested in the absence of our Imam just as the followers of Prophet Musa were tested in his absence ,

HOW? Well, As we know that The Awaited Imam (a.s) has appointed the great Shia jurists as his Wali and deputies just as the Purified Imams (a.s) had appointed them from their side and commanded their Shias that during the time of the Abbasides when it is not possible to contact the Imams, they must refer to the religious jurists and seek their opinion in legal matters.

In a well-known tradition from Umar Ibne Hanzala it is mentioned that two Shia persons had a dispute and were going to present their case to the government magistrate. When Imam Sadiq (a.s) was asked if such a step was permitted, he replied,
“One who presents his case to a tyrant and he gives a verdict it is invalid, even though it may be his lawful right. Because he has got it through the verdict of a tyrant while the Almighty Allah has commanded shunning the tyrants.”
I asked, “Then what should these people do” He replied, “See who relates our traditions and narrations to you and who considers our permitted and prohibited and who possesses knowledge and information about our commands. Be prepared to follow him. I have appointed him as authority on you. And when he commands our commands and prohibits our prohibitions and he is not obeyed, it is as if the commands of Allah were considered unimportant. And we have been denied. And one who denies us has denied Allah. Such that he shall be in the limits of having associated with Allah.”[1] [1] Wasaelush Shia, Kitabul Qaza

In another tradition from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq, this time narrated by Imam Hasan al-`Askari, peace be upon them, he says, "...but if there is anyone among the fuqaha' who is in control over his own self, protects his religion, suppresses his evil desires and is obedient to the commands of his Master, then the people should follow him."4 4. Shaykh at-Tabarsi, al-Ihtijaj, vo. 2, Najaf 1966, p. 263

A third hadith is from the Present Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, who said in a reply to Ishaq ibn Ya'qub: "As far as newly occurring circumstances are concerned, you should turn (for guidance) to the narrators of our ahadith, for they are my proof over you just as I am Allah's proof."5 5. Ibid, p. 283.

BUT THE SAMAYRIS OF TODAY are trying their best to destroy our faith by joining efforts to remove the concept of MARAAJIYAT from our lives. We should be very careful and avoid falling into the traps of these SAMAYRIS, we should always keep in our minds that when we target/oppose/belittle/doubt the ulemas and question their rulings its like we are targeting The Imam (as) of our time. Hence we should avoid repeating the same mistake that the followers of Prophet Musa did when they disobeyed his representative Haroon and obeyed the misguided samayri.

May Almighty protect us from the mischief of the Samiris of today and keep our faith intact.
(jazakallah) sister

unfortunately such under currents are present in the jamaats of Africa as well as rest of the world.

the hadeeth's you have quoted highlight the importance of the ulema and marjaiyat and taqleed.

An example of the efforts to undermine these can be found in the form of the Zakaat conspiracy in Federation Samachar
(jazakallah) sister

Unfortunately such under currents are present in the Jamaats of Africa as well as rest of the world.

The hadeeth's you have quoted highlight the importance of the Ulema and Marjaiyat and taqleed.

An example of the efforts to undermine these can be found in the form of the Zakaat conspiracy in Federation Samachar
Yes brother,its very painful to see how some people after reading few books on religious subjects or by gaining little knowledge in religious matters think of themselves as more learned than those Ulemas who are expert in that field, hence they spread corruption and mischief out of their ignorance and misguide others, and whats more painful, is to see people agreeing with their distorted views.

May Almighty protect the faith of all believers .Amen.

I found the link below to an enlightening article on Taqleed by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi:
http://www.al-islam.org/beliefs/practic ... id.html#f5
Learned the following from ashra majaalis:

Its much emphasized to spend the odd nights during the last 10 days of Holy Month of Ramadhan in the worship of God.

During Qadr nights we read in the Aamal books that it is emphasized to give charity before night sets in.
What we do is take out charity and put it in charity box or put it aside to be given later, DON’T DO THAT, before the night begins [at sunset or maghrib time]one should take out charity and give it to a deserving momin who of course will be pleased and happy entitling the giver Allah’s pleasure as he has pleased his believing servant hence before qadr night begins first thing one has to do is give charity to a deserving momin and start his Qadr night by pleasing a momin hence pleasing Almighty and then do aamal and ask for doas,that is the right way of getting acceptance of ones doas and aamal.

Also we tend to undermine the sanctity of 19th night, thinking that we will stay awake for worship on 21st night or if not then on 23rd night. This is completely wrong as we are the loosers if we act like that, as hadith of our Aimmah says that each of these 3 nights should be spent totally in worship and to keep VIGIL during these nights and not to sleep even for a short time during these nights,as:

During the 1st qadr night i.e 19th ramadhan: DOAS ARE ACCEPTED.(Destiny is written)
During the 2nd qadr night i.e 21st ramadhan: QUANTITY OF HOW MUCH TO GIVE IS DECIDED BY ALMIGHTY.(prepared)
During the 3rd Qadr night i.e. 23rd ramadhan: IT IS SIGNED AND SEALED.The present Imam [may Allah hasten his reappearance] himself near fajr time comes to the house of those momineens who follow and love him and gives them what Allah s.w.t has written for them/what they have asked for.

One short Example: Suppose a momin asks for rizq, on the 19th night his doa is accepted,on the 21st night it is decided how much rizq he will get and on 23rd night Imam comes to his house to give him the rizq written for him.

P.S That is why it has been emphasized not to sleep even a little during these 3 nights as then one can loose the special blessings for each of these nights because of ones ghaflat. We tend to finish our aamal hurriedly by midnight and then sleep for few hours and then wake up for sehri,this is totally wrong as we loose the benefits of these nights by acting like this. Remember, ONE LOSES IF ONE SLEEPS.
Last edited by Reyhana on 14 Aug 2012, 19:16, edited 1 time in total.
Learnt the following from majaalis:

All people know that muslims pray, fast, perform haj, celebrate eid, but how can they know about HUSSAINIYAT?

ANSWER: Through AZAADAARI i.e the reason the wahabis and the enemies of Islam are trying their best by targeting and issuing fatwas against majaalis/matam/taabut/performing ziyarat in short everything related to azaadari as they know that these practices will put their effors to naught and globalize the true message of Islam and bring to light the killers of Prophet’s grandson and his progeny,hence leading people to further probe in Islamic history which will lead to unveiling of those who were the main cause of karbala taking place i.e. those who usurped the caliphate and paved the way for bani umayyah to do what they did.

We shia ithnaasheri should always remember that we are not one of the sects of Islam but we are the followers of original Islam.Those who are diverted from original Islam are the ones who have created sects in Islam.We should be very careful and save ourselves/our families and communities from brainwashing of the wahabbis whose aim is to destroy the essence of Islam by targeting the practice of azaadari .

The recitor said that in Russia [I don’t remember exactly the country but I think she said Russia],there is a school whose aim is to spread atheism. What they do is to convince people to enter their schools and brainwash them to such an extent that the individual completely adheres to atheism.Now once when the school’s committee were counting their successes they saw that they had managed to convert almost followers of all religion except for SHIA. They were much surprised as to why no one from their committee had managed to bring a shia to their school,hence they started focusing on shias. After much efforts they managed to coax one shia to join their school.
That whole year they dedicated their best efforts to brain wash him and culminate atheism in him. At last they were happy and satisfied that they had truly brainwashed his mind but when the crescent of Muharram shined in the sky their shia student left their assembly and went towards Imambargaah not to be seen again .This event so much shocked them as no one of their students had managed to escape their clutches, hence after this event they are researching on what is muharram and what is azaadari which acts as a strong shield for the protection of shias faith.

Isnt it clear now why the enemies of true Islam/Shiism are afraid of AZAADAARI PRACTISES???

Food for thought: although our ahle sunnat brothers say they are followers of sunnat-e-rasool but in reality we shia are followers of sunnate Rasool ,how?
Well, when RasulAllah announced at dawate dhul ashira that he was the messanger of God,who testified to it??? Of course we all know that only Imam Ali a.s. said ‘’I testify that you are the messanger of God’’,i.e ashhadu anna muhammadur Rasul Allah,hence when muslims say these kalimaat they are actually following sunnate Ali, aren’t they???
Now when at Ghadir-e-khum The Holy Prophet said ‘’man kuntu mawla fa haza aliyun mawla and testified about Hzt Ali a.s. being the wali of God,[Alliyyin waliyullah] who followed his sunnat? We, the shias. Hence in true sense we adhered to sunnate Rasool didn’t we??? [up]

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