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I hear there was another interesting Khutba this past Friday by Sheikh Razi. Dnt have much details apart from the fact that he discussed about in-laws problems with married girls.

Details anyone?
Yes, he was exhorting the men with regards to rights of the wife while touching on the mother-in-law vs daughter-in-law issues.

Ask setup a round-table discussion with Sheikh on the same issue so that points that he made can be deliberated upon and clarified.

Inshallah we will upload this discussion soon.
any one has more suggestions on what questions such a poll should have?

Does anyone have any idea what questions were in the poll that the 40 youth took a part in?

A youth body was working on a counseling program for the problems identified. Does anyone have any idea on the progress

It is recommended to offer a two unit prayer betwe[…]

Al An'aam (The Cattle)

Short tafsir on Suratul An'aam (The Cattle) Part 2[…]

Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S was 9th Imam of Ahlul Bayt.[…]

Imam Muhammad al-Taqi's death marked a significant[…]

Ask4help Counseling Helpline