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Lessons and thoughts on Traditions

Moderator: Muntazir

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By Muntazir
The holy Prophet [s.'a.w.w] says:

"Whoever is the enemy of his own Self rather than the people will be saved by God from the fear of the Resurrection Day."

A Short Explanation:

This hadith needs great pondering and it needs to be read atleast 10 or 20 times so that it can fully digest within ourselves and get a mere understanding of it.

If you tell this hadith to someone, even your close friend, he would probably think you've gone nuts! And this is because the world has changed alot and our thinking is not as same as the great thinkers of the past.

The Prophet [s'.a.w.w] doesn't mean we should start hating ourselves completely, but what he means is we should hate our Low-Self, the Low-Desired Soul, which is the cause to many problems in our life. The Prophet [s.'a.w.w] then uses 'people', meaning: Whenever someone does something wrong or makes a mistake, don't hate them because you, yourself, are caught up with many mistakes that needs to be changed FIRST. However, all this can be solved only through hating our low-self and try to rule over it rather than it ruling us. When we do so, it will surely make us the best of people and get us closer to 'Allah and hence we won't have the fear in the day of Resurrection because we would have saved ourselves from many mistakes and sins.

Insha'Allah, let us pray to 'Allah to give us the strength and power to tackle our low-based self, at all times so that we can become better people and an example to our coming generation.
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By Muntazir
In hand-to-hand with the hadith mentioned above, the holy Prophet [s.'a.w.w] also says:

"The most intelligent characteristic after having faith in God - the Honorable, the Exalted - is expressing love for the people."

A Short Introduction:

This level is attained after understanding and attaining the level from the previous hadith.

Something worth mentioning is that expressing love for the people is different to expressing love to the people. What I mean to say is that a person's characteristic should be such that the people appreciate him and respect him, weather he has expressed his love directly or not.

Secondly, one needs to have faith in God - the Exalted - first before he expresses love for the people. Meaning, if a person doesn't have faith in God, he would express love for the people due to other reasons rather than the real love one. Although, this part needs further explanation which I can only offer if one needs to know more, insha'Allah.

To Conclude:

We should try our best to follow these ahadith and act upon them and see the changes from them, insha'Allah.

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