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As its not allowed to touch with any part of ones body, Names of Allah s.w.t , names of Aimmah or quranic verses without Wudhoo, so according to me one can do Sijdah on the embossed part only if one is in wudhoo and Pak. [Islamic laws of Ayatullah Sistani masaeel no 323 and 325]
Yep, that makes sense...but if anyone still has doubts, you can always turn the mohr over and use the flat surface :)
I had read somewhere[i am not sure but i think it was in Ayatullah Sistani's web site]that if the mohr has become dark because of accumulation of dirt then u cant do sajdah on it but if its due to constant use then there is no problem in using it.Will try to check again if possible.
Muhammad Mahdi wrote:Why has it become darker? Accumulation of dirt :biggrin: ?
Hehe! Not really, wudhoo makes sure all dirt is gone [up]

But i think probably because of doing sajda with a wet forehead..
interesting point.
If a layer has formed on the mohr of an item on which sajda is allowed, then fiqh-wise there shouldn't be a problem to do sajda on it.

anyone come across any reference to the matter in the risalah of Sayyid Seestani?
In the name of Him to Whom we perform Sujood.

'Allah - ta'aalah - created insaan with tiyn. He ordered him to worship Him with sincerity and not intoxicated - in another words, "playfully" - and after that He has seen the hearts seeking the closeness of Him, He promises to reply back - 'Ud-'ooni fa-stajib-lakum.

Insaan, in the depths of its nature has a characteristic and that is of glorifying anything and everything with its beauty and glitter, whereas He is the Supreme and unimaginable and the moment one tries to imagine the existence of 'Allah falls into Kufr.

Behold! We said to the angels: "Bow down unto Adam" - Here, we can understand two things altogether: Bow down before the Prophet and [once we have understood that Prophet Adam was created of clay] or on Clay.

What do I mean? [Note that I only wish to elaborate this point for a deeper understanding to why we prostrate on clay] Adam was a creation of God. He was created of Clay [tiyn]. Hence, when 'Allah ordered the angels to bow down unto him, it definitely meant to bow down before Adam but as a deeper understanding within this verse we could also understand that the angels were ordered to prostrate before clay [Adam ['a.s]].

'Allah says: But fall ye down in prostration to Allah, and adore (Him)!

Just to give a side note for the readers to benefit, prostration is commonly understood by performing Sajdah while in Salaat but a true believer is always on the state of sujood whether in salaat or not.

People who met marhum Ayatullah Behjat, have always noticed his gaze to be lowered towards the ground but in reality his soul is in a complete different dimension which is beyond our imagination.

When one asked him about looking up, he replied saying, 'why would one want to see things which are not his?', meaning, the only thing that one can have to his heart is 'Allah, not what one is always after. We are Miskeen in reality without 'Allah.

Mohr, which have names written on them have to be handled with care and with wudhoo. Sajdah on it is not a problem because everything goes back to 'Allah and obviously the person has made the intention of Qurb ilallah. Yes, if one is prostrating on a new mohr with excitation then it should only be for getting closer to 'Allah.

Some mohr have the names of the Ahl al-Bayt ['a.s] and they also go back to 'Allah because He - the One Who possesses the most beautiful names - Has also named them [the Ahl al-Bayt ['a.s]] from His Own! He is Mahmood, and named him Muhammad. He is Faatir and named her Faatimah. He is 'Aali and named him 'Ali. He is Ihsaan, and named him Hassan and He is Mohsin, and named him Hussein ['a.s]. Please recite a salawaat!

In regards to mohr which turn black or dark, if it's small mark then there's no problem using it but if it has spread then it invalidates one's salaat. Hence, one is required to rub it with sand-paper [msasa] or use anything to clean it and then continue using it.

Insha'Allah, we pray to 'Allah to accept our a'maals and prayers.

Please remember us in your prayers.
In regards to mohr which turn black or dark, if it's small mark then there's no problem using it but if it has spread then it invalidates one's salaat. Hence, one is required to rub it with sand-paper [msasa] or use anything to clean it and then continue using it.

What do you base this on?
as-Salaamu 'aleykum.

Apart from the sweat our face also gets oily depending on how our diet is. Using the Mohr constantly the Mohr catches a thick dark brownish layer on it which becomes a barrier between your forehead and the Mohr. And as we've studied in Fiqh, nothing should be a barrier between your forehead and the place of sajdah, not even few of your hair. It is as similar to polishing the mohr with vanish. We also practiced this in the Hawza.

Kindly give people their rights by greeting them with Salaam and showing respect. In a hadith by the holy Prophet [s.'a.w.w] it has been narrated that one should not reply back if someone speaks without greeting first. Hope this is a lesson for all of us, starting from myself, insha'Allah.

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