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Are you hooked to facebook?

Yes, totally addicted to facebook
Not really, but m pretty regular
No rarely use it
Whats facebook?
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By Umm.aly
Facebook, another means of keeping 'in touch' with the rest of the world out there; friends, friends of friends, potential friends, family and the like as well. So do we think its a productive social tool or is it a total wastage of time?
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By MuNtAzIr_uk

Aahhh... Facebook... How did we keep in touch before FB?!? :-)

Based on results so far, no one is willing to admit they're completely addicted to it (myself included!!) but personally, I think it is a brilliant thing! Making new friends, finding old ones, looking up groups... However, like everything else in life, moderation is the way to go.

And I also think that it is important to remember that you'll prolly meet half your friends at mosq/school/work, so maybe it would also help if you actually TALK to the person rather than writing on their wall!!

Still, overall, love it!!

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By abuali
I agree with Sphynx.

A quick look at the kind of wall posts that people post tells a lot about how fb is being used to a discerning observer.

There are a lot of disturbing things that I have seen on fb, not limited to:

1. How brothers and sisters in faith discard their hijab while on fb (hint: photos, language used in posts etc)
2. How fb becomes a tool for flirtations
3. How fb tends to make people anti-social (posting wall messages as opposed to meeting/calling family & friends)

FB has also tremendous advantages (mostly for the owners who make millions from advertising and fb usage), especially for those wanting publicity for their project or cause.
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By Umm.aly
The lack of Hijab being maintained is truly a sad thing.. esp when there are wedding pictures put up for all and sundry to view the beauty of a bride which is supposed to be for her husbands eyes only!

It is sometimes an eye opener to whats going on in our youths lives today, of how very low on Islamic morals we have become.

On the positive side, you know excatly whats going on in your friends and families life (like even what they were feeling or happened to them 5 mins ago! :roll: )
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By abuali
I am surprised that we only have a few comments on this topic.

It would be interesting to know what people feel about facebook.

How many of us are concerned about privacy issues?

How many of us have come across abuse of facebook by someone?

How serious is the issue of hijab being discarded on facebook?
from what i know, people who have no work to do, are hooked to face-book.
some of them are there only to see what is going on in the community such as Shk. Razi.
btw, there is an advice from him to the sister, please there is a woman to woman hijab also and taking that "extra-close" face picture are not allowed. this is from me, committing a sin is one sin and making the sin public is another sin.

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