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Moderators: Syed Kazim, Muhammad Mahdi

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By sadika
S/A and many thanks for this opportunity

My qn is is marriage with a non-shia allowed? I follow Ay. Sistani
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By Sheikh Razi

If a person is a Muslim is not follower of AHLUL BAYT (AS) and getting such cross sect marriage is going to be a cause of harm and trouble then it is not permitted, other wise it is seriously abhorred (perhaps due to such possibility rising in future as seen in many cases)

It is recommended to offer a two unit prayer betwe[…]

Al An'aam (The Cattle)

Short tafsir on Suratul An'aam (The Cattle) Part 2[…]

Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S was 9th Imam of Ahlul Bayt.[…]

Imam Muhammad al-Taqi's death marked a significant[…]

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