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The sad first month of the Islamic calendar during which the family of the Holy Prophet were faced with a great ordeal and tragedy.
By smma59
smak786110 wrote:There is also Hijab for eyes.....ESPECIALLY for women....
so you now started to make rulings of islam?
before speaking like fools quote fatwa of mujtahids....
Women should not look at men during zanjeer as many do not wear shirts. Men are equally responsible to hide their nakedness in front of women. This sadly always happens in India and Pakistan. It is very important that shia should be strict in Haraam and Halaal issues.
1. Strange that the only time someone remembers hijab is when they want to use it against a deeply rooted religious practise. Where are all these "hijab police" all year round when non Islamic practises happen in our communities?

2. The question of women looking at men doing zanjeer is,i believe, flawed. Either women cannot look at men shirtless in all occasions OR they can look at men in all occasions. I do not think that it would be okay for them to look at men shirtless throughout the year, but it becoming prohibited only when they are doing zanjeer.

3. Rather than stopping people from doing zanjeer because it requires one to be shirtless, it would be wise to prevent such women from access to see men doing zanjeer.

4. Even during zanjeer, hijab from part of men is observed. Perhaps one can lookup the requirements of hijab for men and post it here.

5. To the best of my knowledge, men can even pray shirtless . Praying is something wajib, zanjeer and matam are not; but praying shirtless would be okay and zanjeer not?

The problem here is not men or zanjeer. It is women.
Syedbaqir, once again your points are valid, but your use of them is not proper. Means do not satisfy the ends and neither do ends satisfy the means.

As to what I know, men are supposed to cover from their navels to their knees as a basic minimum (someone please check with aga sistanis risala). Covering more than that is mustahab and very recommended.

Now, I agree with your point that hijab should be maintained in all circumstances. In this case, the discussion is with regards to zanjeer. You cannot claim this discussion is useless because people do it anyway. If people do it in other situations publicly, lets start a discussion on it. (for example during swimming)

Men have to maintain hijab infront of men as well.

I agree, the situation should be controlled so women cannot come to see the zanjeer. At the same time, men need to cover the basic minimum infront of other men too. And as a precaution, jamaat can hand out tshirts for use during zanjeer (zanjeer does not require one to be shirtless)
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