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By abuali

I have just added some face avatars :D

Here is how members can change their avatars

1. Click on the 'User Control Panel' link on the top left of the page (under Ask logo)
2. Click on the 'Profile' tab
3. Click on 'Edit Avatar'
4. Click on 'Display Gallery' (or input a link to an avatar from another site)
5. Choose from five folders: Ask, Eyes, Flowers, Faces, Misc
6. Select your choice of Avatar
7. Submit

Here are some examples:






User avatar
By abuali
Here is how members can change their avatars

1. Click on the 'User Control Panel' link on the top left of the page (under Ask logo)
2. Click on the 'Profile' tab
3. Click on 'Edit Avatar'
4. Click on 'Display Gallery' (or input a link to an avatar from another site)
5. Choose from five folders: Ask, Eyes, Flowers, Faces, Misc
6. Select your choice of Avatar
7. Submit

User avatar
By azra
here is another one

i got the first two from yahoo avatars and this one is from wee-mee.com
avatar.png (58.86 KiB) Viewed 3506 times

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