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32 classes (Level1 & 2). Learn how to translate the Holy Qur'an word by word | Ramadhan 1442
Bismillahi Ta'alah
Salamun Alaykum

Please try to form first *3 sighas* (forms) of Imperfect tense (الفعل المضارع)of the following verbs with meaning and submit before the class.

Note: you can send a voice note if it is difficult for you to write in Arabic.

1) *یَعْلَمُ* (he knows/he will know)
2) *یَضْرِبُ* (he hits/he will hit)
3) *یَنْصُرُ* (he helps/he will help)
4) *یَقْتُلُ* (he kills / he will kill)
5) *یَسْمَعُ* (he hears/he will hear)

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