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By samnt
Dear all,
This is an open forum, so I am allowed to vent.
I was a little late into the mosque this evening, and managed to get only a part of the Presidents Speech [which I will call "Garbage" henceforth].

I arrived at the part where he was talking about the further 1 month delay on the gymnasium project that had started in Ramadhan. Can anyone please tell me how high tech this gym is that it needs 6 months to build?

Then he went on to talk about EH and the drugs there. I wouldn't go to EH in any case [and may God give you all perfect health that you wouldn't need to go there], only because the doctors there have low self confidence and don't have the mannerisms of how to deal with patients relatives or the patient [I have proof and I am sure you do too]. He was talking about renovations and blah blah, EH has been there since I remember and the ward that was built, doesn't even have a lift; to an extent that if one was very weak, the nurses and guards, carry a wheel chair to wherever designated [If this is a lie, may I be struck down]. Is the rule that if you build a mosque its more sawab?

The nurses have low moral because they are overworked and under paid, like some doctors.

Drugs are expensive because EH gets branded and long term expiry dated medicine!! Branded meaning India? and that also if the shelf life is long, what difference does that make for me as a patient, I am going to use it immediately! You ask for the simplest of medicine [In this case "Magnesium Trisilicate"] and you will be told "hamna" because there is no proper stock surveillance. There are 5 more pharmacies around the area, and I got a packet of 10 tabs at 300shs.

Schools? What is the calibre of the teachers in your school? Are you training them when they are working so that they can better themselves? Are they being paid enough because they are the future leader makers? What a croak! Education is important, however more important is upbringing and behavior, how many of our boys and girls have that when they leave school?

The karigaar who came from outside to fix and mend the outside of the mosque, why are they coming from outside? don't we have locals who can do that? Why don't we send someone from the community to learn about this art form and then we will have empowered someone to do something different, the newly formed EEC had a great career program with just the same old occupations - accountant, lawyer, media, medical ... why aren't we investing in our own people who already have these skills - instead of letting them work for HMHospital or MMC.

Khums, this is the problem with our rich presidents who live in big houses! Does he even know of debts? When I was a student, I took a soft loan and I am repaying it. How many of the 10,000 muslims are able to save? Has there been a research or its just the norm to ask for khums?

I have had enough of these roundabout talks! May God forgive me for swearing during the garbage bashing session. I needed to vent, and I have.

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By Insaan
Salaam Alaykum,

This is not an official reply, I was there during the speech as an observer and member of the community, and here are my thoughts..

The Gym
From what I have heard it is going to be a state of the art gym. I suppose the only way to find out how state of the art is wait for it open. We must, instead of criticising the delay, should look at the positive side, which is THERES GOING TO BE A GYM AT MOSQUE!! WOOHOOO!!

The Hospital
The President, from my recollection of the speech, did mention that EH has problems. He also mentioned on the positives, being how far it has come since inception, which I feel is valid, after all Rome wasnt built in a day, and we must appreciate that the Khoja Rome will take a little longer, but atleast its being built!!

The medicine info he gave was an example of what might be the cause of the supposedly high prices, as a patient it makes a difference because the Hospital has to, and this is the truth all over, make money to survive. However, the Hospital probably has a pricing mechanism for drugs which probably takes into account usage frequency of the drug, meaning the lesser its needed, the lesser they have to buy, meaning the costs of purchase go up, and so do the selling prices. Among other factors ofcourse.

Again the point he was making was focus on the positives! I am going to have to refer to the Rome analogy again, apologies for that :oops:

The School
I suggest you ask the management what training they provide the teachers employed at the school, if, however, yours was a sarcastic comment, then the same applies.

Upbringing and behaviour of our children when they leave the school. Are you seriously laying blame at the School for the behaviour of the kids when they leave? What a croak-as you might say.
Perhaphs the parents have a say in the behaviour of their Kids, maybe? justmaybe?

Brilliant idea for sending people to train and learn something that is not the norm!However, dont you think those people who want to study should maybe have a choice in the profession you want to send them to learn? Maybe people in our community are not interested in these professions and has such the Jamaat has to hire outsiders?

The President was maybe asking those people who pay khums to other countries to instead channel their payments to AFED. A perfectly valid request, I think.
I am positive he wasnt asking those who cannot pay Khums to pay, that would have been absurd to say the least.

Ilt dua
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By samnt
dear insaan,

thank you for your answer. unfortunately you are 30 days late.
very typical with our community, that we are not proactive and thats why what i had written maybe had an expiry date.

as for your answers. i am glad that you are very optimistic and that you have patience that should be desired.
however, i am not going to honour them with a debate or an answer, and hence this particular post is dying here.

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By Insaan
The gym is awesome. EH is progressing well. Alhamdulillah.

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