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Lessons and thoughts on The Infallibles [‘a.s]

Moderator: Muntazir

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By Muntazir
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

as-Salaamun 'aleykum warahmatullah

Pray you all are well, insha'Allah.

If you would like, kindly contribute a Hadith [sayings] from any of the Infallibles ['a.s] to benefit our readers.

May 'Allah [t.w.t] increase all our knowledge and, in hand-to-hand, give us the strength for their actions.

Thank you.

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By abuali
صحيح الترمذي : 2 / 307 ، في مناقب الحسن و الحسين عليهما السلام ، روى بسنده عن يعلى بن مرة قال :
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه ( و آله ) و سلم : حسين مني و أنا من حسين ، أحب الله من أحب حسيناً ، حسين سبط من الأسباط .
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By Muntazir
as-Salaamun 'aleykum warahmatullah

Pray you're well brother.

Kindly add your hadith under the infallible ['a.s] who has narrated it. For eg. if you wish to contribute a hadith that has said by Imam Saadiq ['a.s] then go to the 8th Infallible and post the Hadith under it. Let me know what you think about it.



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