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By Fatimah Zahra Karim
All I meant was that (from experience) ppl say something is 'dumb', 'a pain' ,etc only when they do not understand it. Simply because you do not understand it does not mean you're allowed to diss the people who have contributed to it and to making our lives better. I mean, talking about magnetism, mechanics, electroplating...they all have practical applications. Every1 uses them, so what right has anyone got to complain?
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By qarrar
Fatimah Zahra Karim wrote:so what right has anyone got to complain?
Freedom of speech
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
Freedom of speech, sure. :) But if you wanna bad-mouth the guys, at least have the decency to admit that what they discovered and invented was beneficial and that you use the knowledge behind them. Have the courage to stand up and say you do not understand them instead of terming them useless, wishing that they had stuck to their wives.

PS: Newton wasn't even married...who was he supposed to stick to?

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