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By Umm.aly
Salaams to u all..
Welcome to the Bookworms corner! :)
Thanks to Ask!, we now have the chance to air out our views and opinions on books that we may have read..

The world of books, is simply amazing! Places unknown become familiar, things that you may never have thot of, suddenly seems so clear! the best part of books is that you get to stretch your imagination, n see all the characters/places/actions in ur minds eye..

So lets get the ball rolling..

What are your fav books? fav authors? the book that touched you the most? the book u NEVER wanna read again? the book that you think is a MUST read?!

Let the comments flowww!!
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By Yas
Probably one of the best novels I have ever read is The Third Eye by T. Lobsang Rampa. I read this roughly 4 years ago, but to date I have yet to come accross any compilation that even comes close within its shadows. At first impression it might be a put off - almost 500 pages of a rotting first edition that God knows for what reason never saw the day light of repriting! The story revolves around a young budhist monk and traces his life into adulthood, enlightening one with the budhist beliefs. True, it isn't exactly an action packed thriller that's going to keep you on the edge of your seat, anxiously chewing your thumbnails. But that lack of excitement doesnt degrade it in any way, for it is quite a complex book which once you get the hang of becomes extremely enjoyable and interesting. Hope to be reviewing some more readers soon! Tc.
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By abuali
Great Idea to start this forum...thanks for the idea Muhaddisa :)

Hmm...its really hard to judge the best book I have read till date...However, I shall be brave and make a choice...

The best fiction book I have read would have to be: -

The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks.

and the other books in his trilogy are as good as the one above.

However, I have still kept my options open to come across a better work...no luck as yet.

I had my hands on The Third Eye by Rampa a few years ago...but I couldnt read it in the short time I had it. :cry: pitty...maybe will read it someday...
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By Umm.aly
Hey all..

Fiction wise.. i like all the ones have read so far, hard to say which is THE best..

However, Sidney Sheldon has been my all time fav author! n John Grisham's books are good too..

However, the book i would say was a gr8 read would be Daughters Of Another Path (Non Fiction) By Carol L. Anway.. a good book for girls to read.. its bout a mother who writes on how her daughter changes from Christianity to Islam by marrying an Irani man.. how the daughter gradually changes her way of life to fully become a muslim woman. Definately something all women should read! (I have a copy of my own if anyone's interested to read..)

This book, The Third Eye, sounds real interesting, hope to read it one day soon inshallah! :)
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By Sayyeda
Well I too have loved mostly all the books I've read so far. Enid Blyton had been my favourite when I was in my Primary. :D

Regarding the 'Daughters of Another Path' by Carol L Anway, it was a great book with lots of experiences.

I also like J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter"... a very good book!
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By Umm.aly
Yeah Sayyeda, Enid Blyton's books used to fascinate me! Infact I still read them! :oops: I especially like her Malory Towers series..

All the Harry Potter's books are un-put-downable!! (is there such a word?! :? ) Awesome writing by J.K Rowling!!
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By Yas
I hate to bring this up... but there was that whole controversy surrounding J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter...lol, though personally I think it was just a load of over exaggerated nonsense. Oh btw btw the 6th book is out in July! *oops*..lol.
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By abuali
What controversy are you talking about?

I had been given harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as a gift...havent gotten down to reading it yet (except for a few pages)....

Somebody rate it for me and let me know if I should read it....lol...am looking for the easy way out..
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By Umm.aly
Yeah I had vaguely heard bout a controversy.. but m not too sure bout the details.. Yas.. cud u provide some info on it? hey.. gr8! m soo looking forward to the next Harry Potter book! :)

On the scale of 1-10, i wud rate it 11! all the Harry Potter books r too good.. the only thing is.. its even better if you get to read the series from the first book onwards.. more fun that way.. n definately better understanding of the storyline! But u shud definately read it!

I had started reading Then I was guided on a friend's recomendation, but unfortunately havent gotten around anywhere near finishing it.. but so far its been a very interesting read!
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By Sayyeda
Well I too would like to know about the controversy you talking abt, haven't heard anything abt it yet.

I just love this book... it is greeaatt!!! But unfortunately, I've just read the 1st, 2nd and the 5th Book... I've missed the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of fire :cry: But am really looking forward to reading them!
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By shaziya
salaams all,

i must say this is an interesting forum... well must admit that readin is 50 - 50 for me coz i usually judge a book by it's cover which is very badd !!!!!

or ... maybe i just have come across book that i wud read them like it being oxygen for me - apart from HARRY POTTER well i m a medium speed reader but i was kinda addicted to those books!! and read them quickly

well i also have read a lil of "then i was guided" but haven't completed as a matter of fact i got it a few dats ago

well.. now i wanna read books and i need books to read n all i can do is count on u all for advice of which books to read ???

so i m waitin.... the clock is tickin

anywayz nice to knowthat there is another harry potter book on it's way
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By Yas
Well the controversy was essentially surrounding the fact that the book series (Harry Potter) was creating fanatics and people were becoming over obsessed into a magic world of fantasy... typa thing lol. Not too sure where it went though...

But anyway, to Hasin, I started off by reading the 4th book itself (Goblet of Fire) about 3 years back. It is the longest AND the best, after which I read books 1-3, and more recently 5. Book 4 is undoubtedly the best of them all. As for the 5th one, J.K. Rowling has outdone herself in moulding a more mature, grown character of Harry. It is a very engaging read, but honestly I think the ending has been rushed and it is such a shame, for the build up the climax is absolutely great. (I remember Rowling having admitted to scrapping part of her book towards the end for some reason). In any case, DO READ IT!

As for the 6th book, it's titled Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince and is going to be published on the 10th of July. In it, Rowling says, one primary character dies - NOT Harry or Voldermont. Some rumours are circulating that it is Hagrid... but then again rumours also suggested her book was titled the Pillar of the Storge, to which J.K. replied:

"I am trying very hard not to feel offended that anyone thought this was possible," she said. "'Storgé,' for crying out loud. Come on, people, get a grip."

Get a grip... get the book... and oh yeah, don't forget somewhere real comfy to sit on - it's 870 pages long! lol. (the 5th book).

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By Tanveer
Gosh I didn't know we had so many Harry Potter fans on the face of the earth...I thought he was all mine...all rights reserved...kidding...just like Shaziya, I too had the habit of judging books by their covers and honestly the 1st book of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone doesnt have an interesting cover...i always thought of Harry Potter as "BORING". I didn't know what it was or who and I never bothered to find out. My cousin urged me to read it and when I finally agreed after declining a number of times, you know what's next....i got addicted. Luckily she had books 1-3 & I read them all one after the other and yes I too was lost in the magic world. I have read all 5 books in series and thanks to Yas I now am actually jumping on my seat...why did you have to mention about the 6th book being on its way?..... :x
Anyways i saw the headlines on one of the Youth Bulletins titled "THE TRUTH ABOUT HARRY POTTER" and I think I should start looking for that copy of the Bulletin to read the truth about Harry Potter.He's not so bad after all.... :(

Ye Muhaddisa...John Grisham's books are too good too...all about lawyers...i won't mind mentioning that I still read sweet valley and sweet dreams.... :oops: and yeah I would like to borrow "Daughters of another path" from you..i'll ask for it when i meet u so u know i'm no stranger....lol

and hasin, ye u shud go ahead with reading the harry potter copy that u hvae got...just like Muhaddisa rates it 11 on the scale of 1-10, i rate it as 12...so...go ahead...get lost in the magic world...just be sure after reading it you come back to reality or i wont be surprised if this site starts acting funny...i'll know somethings wrong with the administrator.... :wink:
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