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Ask! is a concept developed by youths in Dar es Salaam. Have your say in shaping the concept of Ask! Do you think its feasible to have an online youth community? How do you think it should be run? What should be discussed? Comments and critisicms also welcome apart from ideas.
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By Tayyaba
slmz evry1

i was jst thinking abt having a thread where evry1 introduces themselves n say say a bit abt themselves jst so we get to kno each other a bit better.

what do u think?
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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam Tayyaba

Great Idea.

Let me begin

People call me Hasin :)

Some know me as Hasin Ramin others as Hasin Shakur

I live in Dar and i think if there were a few more people like me, the world would probably be upside down. :twisted:

I am pursuing ACCA and am working full time with Advertising Africa
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By Tayyaba
hehe..i guess the world would be upside down LOL LOL ... :lol:

ok My name is TAYYABA KASSAM

and m born in Dar-es-salaam .... i m currently working (IIT) .... i like socializiing pppl and m a jolly person lol ... i guess let me repeat wat hasin said if there were more peepz like me den dis world would have been a nightmare to all LOL... :lol:

keep on the posts comin ppl ... introduce u'r selves..
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By *Fatemah*
hey every1...well the show must go on...i mean the stream must go on...so my name is Fatemah Pirmohamed..im born in Dar-es-salaam...i m still studyin...i like to make new frenz...read..play sports...n a heap of other things..i play tennis..n if there were more peepz like me in the world it wud bbe a better plAce to live in...(i hope u don belive tht...coz it aint true!!)...LOL.. :D
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By Sanna
hi der
well lemme evn introduce myself ere as well... heheh

i am sanna hasham... m just done with CPA accountin first yr... now currently workin... in worldlink.. as an accountant... n thats it.. n i really enjoy going through this site.. its GR8

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By Salilabbas
Hey everyone,am Salilabbas from Mombasa,Kenya and am currently studying Political Science at York University in Toronto,Canada.
I love this site...glad to hear about it from my buddy in Dar!
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By Mohdkazim
I am Mohamedkazim Bhaloo, From tanga, studied in DSM for one year and now currently in The UK doing ACCA. NOt owrking at the moment as studying Full Time.
Good that everybody has decided to introduse themselves and that we should know each other.
I love playing sports but hate hate golf lol
Last edited by Mohdkazim on 10 Dec 2004, 02:31, edited 1 time in total.
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By Tayyaba
hey hey ppl its nice to knw all of you ..... :lol:

and tell us your intrests and all .............
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By Sayyeda

My name is Sayyeda Pardhan. I live in Dar es Salaam and am currently an ACCA student (Part 2).

Hmmm my interests... I love playing Sports (Cricket, Badminton, Table tennis), Swimming, Meeting new people and making new friends. I love pets (esp cats) and I like reading and travelling!
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By MuNtAzIr_uk
Brill idea, to get people to introduce themselves...get a better insight on what we're talkin abt, and to whom...

Right, the name's Bond, James Bond...hehehe...just kidding 8)

The real name is Muntazir Fazal, originally of Tanga (Tanga Line, yeah ! ! !) I'm currently in the UK, on my last stage of ACCA, after having completed most of it in Dar, and yes, I did it at FTC, and yes, they are a good place to study...

I like to read, both novels and non-fiction, Islamic and non, am a huge sports buff, cricket (england and paki) and football (england and liverpool), love PC games (yeah, i know, i gotta grow up :oops: ), and when I can, i study...

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By shaziya
hey all

nice to know u all n noticed one thing that most of the people
here are either doin ACCA or CPA just wat i wanna be. :oops:

anywayz i am Shaziya Jaffer from dar es salaam the place to be!!
i just finished my O levels at Mzizima and plannin to join u all at FTC

i love writting but i dont like reading alot, a minimum of a few hours a day not like some people i know who are edicted to books (esp. harry potter, though not a bad book)

i also like playin all kinds of sport and most of all i love swimmin; i love making friendz, makin friendz is wat i'd love to do wen i m free

hope that u all could b GOOD friendz of mine...rite? :D

take care
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By *Fatema*
im fatema kassam......currently studyini its soo bad....well i love playin sports basketball is ma fav.....i love readin too......n makin new frienz...well i think if there would be ppl like me world could go mad :twisted: lol :lol:
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By Tayyaba

lol muntazir u funny.... :lol: (james bond yeah ryte) and shaziya i can be u'r good friend lol coz i love meetin new peepz and makin loadz of frenz.... :D
me i m a sports fan...n yeah ma fav football team Man Utd... :wink: .... but i don like cricket at all
i like learnin new lang...i wanna learn arabic and french... :)

and i love travellin....i would love goin to saudi countries...reminds me of prophets times ...mmm...not that i was there but u knw the feeling LOL :lol:
i will write some more later coz g2 jet at the mom...

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By Tanveer
hey y'all...name's FAB....just FAB....i like reading, writing sports is my favourite although havent been playing for quite a while... :( as i've become too busy for life... :lol: ...and yeah i like swimming although havent entered the pool for a loooooooooong time... :( ...and making new friends is something at which m a great expert...u know...people make freinds with me so i dont actually have to bother making friends with them as my nature is such that i automatically become friends with ppl...(blowing my own trumpet...aint i?)...and yea if the world had more ppl like me then ofcourse the world wud be FAB... :wink:
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By abuali
before this topic gets lost in the many topics under the general forum...

How come there are only so few who have introduced themselves???

Lets get to know whos who at Ask!

New members as well as those who have not yet introduced yourselves, please do....and you can tell us anything that you want to let us know...and you dont have to mentione what you do not want us to know :wink:

Let the fun begin....

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