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By abuali

On 8th Shawwal, Wednesday, in the year 1345 AH, (April 21st 1925) the mausoleums in Jannatul-Baqee’ in Madina were demolished by King Ibn Sau’d. In the same year, he also demolished the tombs of holy personages at Jannatul-Muallah where the Holy Prophet (saww)’s mother, wife, grandfather and other ancestors are buried.

Destruction of the sacred sites in Hijaz by the Saudi Wahhabis continues even today. According to some scholars what is happening today in Hijaz is actually a conspiracy under the guise of Tawheed to eradicate the Islamic legacy and heritage and to systematically remove all its vestiges so that in the days to come, Muslims will have no affiliation with their religious history. This was a Zionist conspiracy.

Literally “al-Baqee’” means a tree garden. It is also known as Jannatul-Baqee’ due to its sanctity, since in it are buried many of our Prophet (saww)’s relatives and companions.

The first companion of the Holy Prophet (saww) to be buried there was ‘Uthman bin Ma’dhoon. He died on 3rd Sha’ban 3 AH. The Holy Prophet (saww) ordered certain trees to be felled, and in its midst, he buried his dear companion, placing two stones over the grave.

Ebrahim, the son of the Holy Prophet (saww) who died later and over whom the Holy Prophet (saww) bitterly wept, was also buried there. The people of Madina then began to use the site for the burial of their own dead because the Holy Prophet (saww) used to greet those who were buried in Jannatul-Baqee’ saying:

“Peace be upon you, O abode of the faithful! God willing, we should soon join you. O Allah! Forgive the fellows of al-Baqee’”.

The burial site was later expanded at al-Baqee’. Nearly seven thousand of the Holy Prophet (saww)’s companions were buried there and many of his family members including the Ahlul-Bayt (as) praised in the Holy Quran. They are Sayyida Fatima (as) –the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saww), Imam al-Hasan (as), Imam ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn (as), Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) and Imam Ja’ffar al-Sadiq (as).

Other relatives include:

Safiyya and Aatika (his aunts)

Fatima bint Asad (his aunt and mother of Imam ‘Ali)

‘Uthaman bin ‘Affaan, the third caliph of the Muslims was initially buried outside al-Baqee’ but later on, due to expansion of the burial ground, his grave was included in the area. In later years, great Muslim scholars like Malik bin Anas and many others were buried there too. Thus al-Baqee’ became a well known place of great significance to all Muslims.

Ibn Batuta, the famous traveller has said, “At al-Baqee are the graves of numerous Muhajireen and Ansaar and many companions of the Holy Prophet (saww), except that most of their names are unknown”.

Al-Baqee was razed to the ground with no sign of any grave or tomb.

On this sad occasion of Yaume Gham, we pray to Allah (SWT) to curse the greatest Munafiqeen of our time, the Wahhabis and avenge the oppression that they have and are continuing to commit against Islam and the Muslims.

The above article has been taken from:

Mulla Mujahidali Sheriff


Source: http://www.almahdi.org.uk
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By abuali
This is what it looked like before (please contribute any photos you may have)
Al-Baqi Cemetery before the 1925 demolition.

Mausoleum containing the bodies of Imam Hasan, Ali, Baqir, Sadiq and Fatimah prior to its destruction.
And this is how it looks now
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By abuali
Here is a list of known personalities buried at Baqee

Kin of Muhammad
  • All of the wives of Muhammad (also known as Mothers of the Believers i.e. Muslims)
  • Ibrahim, Muhammad's son by Maria al-Qibtiyya, died in infancy
  • Roqayyah, daughter of Mohammad and Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
  • Fatima bint al-Asad, aunt of Muhammad and mother of Imam Ali; other aunts including Safiya and Aatika
  • Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad is purportedly buried there, though the location of her grave is disputed.
  • ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, uncle of Muhammad.
  • Fatima bint Hizam, known as Umm ul-Banin, who married Imam Ali after the death of Fatimah; mother of four children including Abbass ibn Ali who died defending Hussain ibn Ali in the Battle of Karbala and Al-Abbas ibn Ali, Husayn ibn Ali, Uthman ibn Ali, Abdullah ibn Ali and Jafar ibn Ali.
  • Imam Hasan ibn Ali, grandson of Muhammad, son of Fatimah and Ali.
  • Imam ‘Alī ibn Ḥusayn, known as Zayn al-Abidin, grandson of Fatima Zahra who is the only adult male that survived the Battle of Karbala because he was sick and could not fight. He was the fourth Shia Imam.
  • Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, son of ‘Alī ibn Ḥusayn, the fifth Imam according to Shia (only Twelvers, not Zaydis)
  • Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq, son of Muhammad al-Baqir, the sixth Imam according to Shia (only Twelvers, not Zaydis) teacher of Jābir ibn Hayyān, Nuʿmān ibn Thābit, Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i, Malik ibn Anas, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Other notable figures
  • Uthman ibn Affan, companion of Muhammad and third Caliph
  • Uthman Bin Mazoun, companion of Muhammad
  • Malik ibn Anas, Islamic jurist
  • Mohammad Hayya Al-Sindhi, scholar
  • Imam Shamil, Muslim leader and freedom fighter from the Caucuses
  • Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy, scholar
  • Idris of Libya, King of Libya
  • Hasan as-Senussi, Crown Prince of Libya
  • Shaukat Ali Hayat, Islamic scholar
source: wikipedia
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By abuali
Before year 1926 all the aboves and graves had tombs over them, in year 1926 king Abdul Aziz Bin Saud Saood of Saudi Arabic ordered for demolition of tombs and graves on 8th Shawwal Al-Mukarram, Wednesday, in the year 1345 AH (April 21, 1925), mausoleums in Jannat ul Baqi (Madina) were demolished by King Ibn Saud. In the same year (1925)

  • Masjid e Fatima (adjacent to Masjid-e-Qaba)
  • Masjid-e-Sanaya (where the teeth of the Holy Prophet were damaged during Uhad)
  • Masjid-e-Minartayn
  • Masjid-e-Maida (the place where Surah Maida was revealed)
  • Masjid-e-Ijaba (place where an important Dua of the Holy Prophet was accepted)
  • Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)
  • Hazrat Fatima Sughra binte Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.)
  • Shahzada Sulah-o-Aman Hazrat Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.)
  • Beemar-e-Karbala Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.)
  • Hazrat Ibrahim, son of the Holy Prophet
  • Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Mutlib (A.S.)
  • Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.)
  • Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S.)
  • Wives of Holy Prophet (Ummahatul Momineen):
  • Hazrat Aisha (R.A.)
  • Hazrat Umme Salmah (R.A.)
  • Hazrat Zainab (R.A.)
  • Hazrat Hafsa (R.A.)
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By abuali
The ghareed graves of our oppressed Imams (as) - These days you cannot go this close to the graves
  1. Hazrat Abbas bin Muttalib (as)
  2. Hazrat Imam Hasan bin Ali (as)
  3. Harzat Imam zain ul abideen (as)
  4. Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (as)
  5. Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (as)
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