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The Holy Month, one of the most sacred in Islam is here again. This is the place to discuss and post facts and everything else about fasting and Ramadhan.
This was forwarded to me by a Friend in Canada, who lives in
Edmont, Alberta, Canada


This article was in the paper yesterday...definitely

Ramadan brings new appreciation, perspective for non-Muslim

The Edmonton Journal , Canada - Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I am not a Muslim, but I wanted to experience Ramadan -- a
month of fasting from dawn to dusk -- out of curiosity.

Yes, curiosity. Why would anyone punish themselves this way?
What does it feel like? It really did not seem to be that
daunting of a task at first. I did not realize what it means to
go without food or water during daylight hours.

I was soon to learn that the days are much longer than we
imagine. I learned is that each day is a gift; to appreciate
each minute that goes by. I learned how often unkind words would
slip from my mouth. I learned what my body feels like when I do
not eat or drink for hours on end. How difficult it is to do the
simplest things like speak when your tongue will not move
because your mouth is so dry. I learned how my mind functions
when it is deprived of essentials. I learned that
loving a child and having that love returned is pure love.

But mostly what I learned is to be grateful for what we do have,
for each other and for this world that we live in.

Any of us could fast for a day. Mothers, look at your
children and imagine what you would feel if you knew they were
slowly starving to death and that just because the sun is
setting, you have no way of providing food or clean water for

Regardless of our religion or our history, we are mothers
and a mother's pain is no different regardless of how we honour

To me, Ramadan is an opportunity to look within myself, to
cleanse, to purify my thoughts.

I realized just how insignificant I am in the grand scheme
of things.

My issues became shallow and I was able to better understand
my purpose on this earth.

I became acutely aware of how often and easily we think and
speak less of others and feel justified in our thoughts.
Judgment of others is unkind and cruel.

Is it cruel that God expects this of Muslims? No, it is a
gift that he bestows upon them, a chance for deep reflection.

During this month I would ask that we all look at our Muslim
friends, neighbours and co-workers and honour them for their
commitment to God.

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