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Salaam Alaykum

I am sure you may have noticed that the Ask site was down for atleats the past 24hrs.

Hacker(s) (may Allah punish them for this) managed to send a malicious code to destroy some template files at Ask. This is why the site was down.

Alhamdulilah, we are now back online, and with the grace of Allah, no data seems to have been lost.

Lets show those who want to stop this good work from continuing that they cannot stop it. Lets use Ask even more now than before.

Inshallah by tomorrow morning, Ask should be back to its normal colours.
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By Sajida
Alaykum salaam hasin..yes the site was down..but cant u knw WHO hacked it???So that u can take extra care..or they wud get a more chance in destroying the site more...
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By abuali
Dont worry. The security exploits that were used to send the malicious code have been addresed.

As for the person/persons that did this, I would prefer to leave them in the mighty hands of Allah. Those who do evil have a harsh chastisement awaiting them in the hereafter.
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By shabbirh
In His Name, the Most High


Hasin; recently there have been a plethora of security exploits for phpBB, and as such it's not a particularly secure forum application - regardless of what "precautions" you might take, it is still vulnerable to exploits.

In light of that, might I suggest shifting to another forum application; and also to hide the application and version information, so that potential exploits can be minimized.

As for destorying the site; that is highly unlikely; all that can really happen is a db exploit which would possibly deface the site (as was the case with another forum that is run by some brothers in sweden (http://www.muslimer.net)); or worse, they can take over the admin console and theoretically lock you out - however - you can always get back in through the site admin console that you use to manage the site and restore your latest backup ;) (off course you do keep backups don't you? ;))

As you have said, it is only the baseline templates - and the subSilver template that you have simply modified a touch and used for the ask site is not the most secure.

As always, you have my contact details; and I ask you to give me a tinkle so that we can discuss securing this important site and having a security policy inplace so as to prevent any such occurances, insha Allah.

With Salaams and Dua's

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By abuali
Alaykum Salaam

Thank you for the info and the offer to help. I really appreciate it.

I will definitely get back to you so that we can come up with a sustainable solution.

My apologies to all for not being able to restore Ask to its normal colours in time. Will do so tonight inshallah.
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By Aliyah
"Those who care for others will recieve the same in future."

Assalamun alaykum

The above saying is specially for Brother Hasin who really manages the ask team as it is supposed to be. Thank you very much. No gifts just rewards!! May Allah reward you for that. Amen



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