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Syed Adeel Raza is the Resident aalim of KSIJ Dar es Salaam. He is known for his pleasant approach and language when educating the community on matters of religion and spirituality.

Moderator: Syed Adeel Raza

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By Moonbeam

I have noticed that the common recommended duas after namaz for months like Rajab and Safar seem to “replace” the normal taqibat duas, (as noticed in Jamat prayers in mosq).

Is this the recommendation? Or is it an additional dua to be recited together with the normal taqibat of Salah?

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By Syed Adeel Raza
Every Dua has its own importance and recommendation. because of the limited time we skip some Duas. If you can it is better to be recited together with normal daily Duas. Jazakallah

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