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Discuss general religious issues that affect all of us in our daily lives.
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By abuali
A Poem By Ruqaya Aghaie ***** Before I ask this question I shall give you this advise Nobody like Fatima could be She is to prophet as a prize Fatima was the mother of her father When her beloved mother dies She was the purified women Al-Tahira if you recognize The worshipper, the scholar and the greatest For her religion, she sacrifices “Fatima is a part of me” These words you may memorize Whoever angers Fatima angers me Like this the prophet describes *** Once the prophet Muhammad Brought Fatima a surprise Her new wedding dress but she Decided to donate it or otherwise She would not be the most virtue On the earth and in the skies And when she was asked for this action With her high moral, she replies I remembered the verse in the Quran And I put I in my eyes “Spend from what you love And you`re rewarded much wise… “ She chose to help the poor one And by this she brought paradise *** If you were looking for guidance go to her and your knowledge will rise For she is the leader of all women, Not Aisha those are lies And here comes her tragedy When Omar begins his crimes He left Fatima with a broken rib As he was the caliphate of his time With his power… and boldly He commandeers Fadak lands For all of these terrible misfortunes Omar had steps and plans And as time, would past and go His crimes would get more and expands *** But… apart from all her difficulties She stood up for her rights She cried and cried and cried until, People were annoyed of her cries By her hijab and modesty Their eyes went bigger size And by this, she bought the satisfaction Of Allah and also heaven she buys This is how she became lady Fatima Her light glows like the sunrise Fatima the rayhana of heaven And in this life the light that shines She maintained her dignity and modesty While fighting for her rights She is the infallible role model One could take, but who understands? Oh, Allah on the day of resurrection Choose me to shake Fatima’s hands… The post Who is Fatima? appeared first on Al-Islam.org Blog.

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