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Salaam Alaykum

Time and again we have heard or read messages from Africa Federation officials and especially from Africa Federation Chairman Anverbhai Dharamsi, the appeal to channel khums payment to Sayyid Sistani via Africa Federation offices.

In his 2013 eid message to the community, Anverbhai Dharamsi writes
Similarly, I humbly urge you all to defray your Hukuk Dues regularly essentially through the centralized system of the Africa Federation, which we manage in accordance with the Ijazah of our Marjae-Taqleed, Ayatullah Al Uzma Al Sayyid Ali Hussaini Al Seestani, May Allah (SWT) grant him good health and long life, Ameen.

I have requested a copy of this 'ijaza' that Anverbhai refers to both in-person at the Africa Federation offices in Dar es Salaam as well as via email to the Secretary of Africa Federation and to Anverbhai Dharamsi.

As of date, i have yet to receive even an acknowledgement of my emails, let alone a copy of the Ijaza.

Does Africa Federation / Anverbhai Dharamsi really have an ijaza from Sayyid Sistani?

If anyone has a copy of this ijaza or more information, please do let us know.
Here is guidance for such a situation:
4) We cannot read arabic ijazas so can we give khums to person who is known to be representative in the city OR should we insist on seeing the copy of the ijaza .Very often we cannot get a copy to get it read by others . What is our responsibility in this case?

A.Yes you have to see the IJAZA and if it was in Arabic or Persian, then a translation of the language of the community must be made available, so that the people can pracctice their finacial religious rights and responsibility towards paying their dues properly, and if the taker does not provide or refuses to do such then S. Sistani or one of his offices must be informed.

Source: http://www.islam-laws.com/matters/khumsfatwa.htm
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