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Noah supplicated to Allah through sacred names.

The archeologists found wooden tablets on the top of Ararat Mountain. The tablets date back to 2500 before the birth of Prophet Jesus Christ (a.s). Some of the archeologists believe that the tablets belong to the Ark of Prophet Noah (a.s).
In the year 1951, a team of archeologists found a wooden tablet on the top of Qaf mountain.
There is a ancient writing on the tablet. After a year of study, the archeologists concluded that this small wooden tablet belonged to the Ark of Noah (a.s).
The historians mentioned that the Ark of Noah (a.s) anchored on the top of mount Qaf. Some letters were written on the piece of wood. The letters dated back to an ancient language.
The Russian government formed a team of archeologists in 1953. The team included seven professionals in ancient languages.
They are as follow:
1. Sula Nouf, Professor of languages, Moscow University.
2. Ifahan khnyo, a scholar in ancient languages, Lolohan College, China.
3. Mishanin Lo, manager of ancient monuments.
4. Tanmol Gorf, professor of languages, Kizvo College.
5. Day Rakn, professor of ancient monuments , Linin Institute.
6. Im Ahmed Kolad, manager of general excavations and discoveries.
7. Major Kolotov, Head of Stalin University.

After an eight-month- study, the above-mentioned linguists concluded that the piece of wood belonged to Noah’s Ark. They also concluded that prophet Noah (a.s] had nailed it on the front part of his Ark to protect it from the flood.

The letters on this piece of wood were written in a Semitic language. The British scholar, Ef Max, professor of ancient languages at Manchester University, has translated the letters the letters into English as follows:

O my Lord and Helper,
Help me through your favor and mercy.
(Help me) for the sake of these names:
And Fatima.
They are all great and honorable.
The world is standing for them.
Help me by their names.
Only you can guide me to the straight path.

The foregoing scholars were astonished at the greatness of the above-mentioned 5 names and the rank of their owners with Allah, the most High. Noah (a.s) supplicated to Allah through these names.
However, no one of them knew the reason why the piece of wood did not decay despite being there for thousands of years.
It is worth mentioning that the piece of wood is now in the Moscow Museum.(Al takamul fi al-Islam, vol. 7.)

Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.w) said: ‘’Behold! My family[ahlul bayt] are like The Ark of Noah. Whoever embarked in it was saved,and Whoever turned away from it was drowned.” This hadith is mentioned in many Ahle sunnat books too,like:
Al-Mustadrak by al-Hakim,vol.3,p.151
Yanabi’al-Muwaddeh ,P.30,370.
Al-Sawaiq al-Muhriqah by Ibn Hajar,P.184, and P.234
Al-Jami al-Sagheer by Al-Suyuti. e.t.c e.t.c
Thats amazing! Mashallah

Nabi Adam (as) after years of seeking forgiveness from Allah(SWT) was taught by Jibraeel(as) to seek forgiveness in a particular manner so as to incite intercession using the names of the panjetan. This happened in the same place on which stands Masjid-e-Kufa in present day Kufa and where millions go every year to seek forgiveness for their sins using the same intercession.

By the way, According to Kāmil al-Ziyārāt it was from this mosque that the diluvium of Noah started submerging earth, as well as being the place from where the water was re-absorbed and it was the dwelling place of Noah (as) and it was here that Noah (as) built his Ark.
The supplication taught by Jibraeel (as) was:
Allhumma asaloka be-haqqe Muhammadin wa antal Mahmood wa be-haqqe Aliyin wa antal Aala wa be-haqqe Fatemata wa antal Faterus Samawat wal Arz wa be-haqqil Hasan wa antal Mohseen wa be-haqqil Hussain wa antal Qadeemul Ehsan
here is another version with a rough translation from another forum (shukranlillah of shia chat):

Bi haqqe Muhammad wa Antal Mahmood (By the truth of Muhammad and You are the Praisworthy)
Bi Haqqe Ali wa Antal A'la (By the truth of Ali and You are the High)
Bi Haqqi Fatima wa Anta Fatiras Samawati wal Ard. (By the truth of Fatima and You are the creator of skies and earth)
Bi Haqqe Hasan wa Antal Muhsin (By the truth of Hasan and You are the Muhsin)
Bi haqqe Husain wa Anta Qadimul Ihsan (By the truth of Husain and You are the old in doing Ihsan)
Bi Haqqe Aimmatin Tis-atin min Zurriyati Husain alaihimusSalam (By the truth of the nine Imams from the progeny of Husain, salams upon them)
and we will have to answer for not spreading word about them to our communities.

How will we answer when we will be asked why our house/office staff, neighbours and fellow countrymen did not receive knowledge about them from us?

As we know, The Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
Behold! My Ahl al-Bayt are like the Ark of Noah, whoever embarked in it was saved, and whoever turned away from it was drowned.
REF: Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 151
Yanabi Muwaddah, Qundoozi Hanafi, p 30, 370
al Sawaiq al Muhriqah, Ibn Hajar, p 184, 234
Majmaa al-Zawaed, al-Haithami, v9, p168

Point to ponder: why did the Holy Prophet compare his Ahlul bayt with the ark/boat of Noah?
Why not just any boat ? Think.

ANSWER: (1) Prophet’s Noah ark was not made in remote place away /shut off from people’s eyes but it was made infront of public, just as the ahlul bayt were now and then introduced to the muslims and their special merits disclosed for people to recognize them , sometimes by saying I and Ali are of the same light, Ali is with the truth and the truth is with Ali, of whomsoever I am the master Ali is his master, or Fatema is "The head of the women of Paradise ,’’ "Fatima is part of me - whatever makes her angry makes me angry, and whatever pleases her pleases me’’, and Hassan and Hussein are the leaders/masters of the youths of paradise, Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein, e.t.c e.t.c

(2) Prophet’s Noah ark was made under the order and guidance of Almighty, just as the Ahlul bayt were choosed by the order and guidance of Allah and their obedience made obligatory upon all muslims by the order of Allah.

(3) Only those who got inside Prophet Noah’s ark were saved from annihilation/destruction, while all others were destroyed. Only those who will follow in the footsteps of Ahlul bayt will be saved while all others will perish.
P.S: Remember its not enough to just praise/exalt/ love the Ahlul bayt and their merits ,one has to follow them if one wants to be saved ,just as Only by liking/praising Prophet’s Noah ark one couldn’t be saved but one had to embark in it.

(4) Last but not the least, On the Day of Deluge no other boat/ship was of any help whatsoever and ONLY and ONLY Prophet’s Noah ark was the place of refuge! In exactly the same way ,only and only those will be successful and will be saved from eternal damnation who will have taken refuge with the Ahlul Bayt and who will receive their intercession , on the day in which no one will be of any help to another.
Another similarity that i could think of:

Noah (peace be upon him) was ordered by Allah (SWT) to build the ark whose sole purpose would be najaat /salvation for the mu'mineen if Noah

Just like

Allah(SWT) created the ahl bayt as a mercy for the salvation of the of all times including the prophets

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