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One-stop for all information on the roof of Africa. Facts, figures and expeditions.
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Two things are important:

Physically: Stamina
Mentally: Will

Level of fitness is quite subjective. We will be having meeting sessions with climbers where the details of fitness levels and how to achieve them will be discussed.
The 1st May meeting was postponed (participants were informed)

The meeting is now planned for this weekend (7th or 8th May)

Participants will receive an email with details such as venue and time.

The agenda for the meeting will be:


1. Introduction
2. Kilimanjaro: Getting to know the highest free standing mountain
3. Machame route: Getting to know allegedly the most successful route up Kilimanjaro
4. Preparation
a. Physical
b. Mental
5. Health on high altitude
6. Q&A

Those who have not registered but wish to attend the meeting, email your full name, age and mobile number to hasin [at] ask.or.tz

We will send you the details of the meeting.
The 1st Preparatory meeting was held and the following agenda items discussed:

1. Introduction
2. Kilimanjaro: Getting to know the highest free standing mountain
3. Machame route: Getting to know allegedly the most successful route up Kilimanjaro
4. Preparation
a. Physical
b. Mental
5. Health on high altitude
6. Q&A

Excitement is running high among the participants and Uhuru is nearer than ever.
There is good news and bad news. Which one first?

The bad news is: There are 2 lesser weeks to prepare for the Kilimanjaro challenge!

The good news is:
Registration has been extended to 31 May 2010 & 15+ year-old's can now join provided they are generally fit and ready to train for the climb

The dates of the expedition have been finalized.

5th July - 13th July 2010

The 2nd Preparatory meeting for participants will be held on Friday 21 May 2010.
The agenda for the 2nd Preparatory meeting is:

  1. What to take and what not to take
  2. Altitiude sickness
  3. Assessment of Physical fitness and will.
  4. Tips on increasing the chances of summit-success
  5. Transport & food
  6. Fund-raising
  7. Q & A
Those who missed the first meeting can request for more info on what was discussed.

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