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A mere piece of clothing has been creating turmoil all around the world. I cant help but wonder, what threat does this simple way of dress pose to those who oppose it...and what does hijab mean to women?
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By Zaheer
can anyone help me with this,
i need the punishments for not wearing/ignoring/bothering to wear HIJAB.

if u have a file for which it wont get attached here please do send me on my mail.

Thank You.

Iltemaase Doa,
Zaheer Abbas.
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By abuali
I understand you are referring to punishments during and after death for ignoring the commandment of hijab

We have from sources many ahadith which describe punishments for several kinds of sin. I am sure there are ahadith which describe punishment for the above.

Muntazir, could you look some up from persian sources?
Salaamun ‘aleykum

A lot has been covered previously if you don’t mind checking.

This might be of some use:

“And say unto the believing women that they cast down their gaze and guard their private parts, and they display not their “Zinat” (adornment) except what becomes apparent of it; and they draw their “Khumur” (head covers) over their “Juyub” (neck-slits); and they display not their Zinat except to their husbands, or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons, or their women or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants void of sexual desire, or the children who have not yet attained the knowledge of women’s secrets (or nakedness), and they should not strike their feet so that what they hide of their Zinat becomes known; and turn you all unto Allah, O you believers, so that you may be successful.” – Qur’an (24:30 - 31)

“There surely will come another era of Ignorance.” Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) – Al - Qummi

“Glance is a poisoned arrow from the arrows of Satan.” – Safinatu ‘l- Bihar, vol. 2, p 596 and Ad- Durru l-manthur, vol. 5, p 42

“Beware of glancing, because it sows lust in the heart of the glancer, and enough is it for a mischief.” – Safinatu ‘l- Bihar, vol. 2, pg 596

“Whoever fills his eyes looking at a woman unlawfully, Allah will raise him on the day of resurrection with nails of fire driver in (his eyes), until judgment is given concerning the whole mankind; then he will be ordered to be driven into the fire.” – Ibid pg 171

Know that it makes a lot of difference on the persons’ situation. Don’t judge a person by their looks as it makes a lot of difference from a person who has no knowledge about Hijab and its Wujub than one who rejects it.

If a sister is not observing hijab, please provide her with a better understanding from a different approach. Please don’t scare them with the punishments, rather tell them about the blessings and the benefits first. Surely, this will attract them more.

Forgive my little knowledge.

Salaamun ‘aleykum
I remember someone asked me ''How can one wear Hijab in countries where the climate is very HOT?''I am sure many of my sisters must have been asked something like that.So my answer to all of those who are using ''the heat'', as a pretext for NOT wearing Hijab is that:


Hats off to all those sisters who r observing Hijab at any cost ,Remember: [Increase in difficulties = increase in rewards] and the greatest reward for observing Hijab despite the difficultues faced will be awarded to us on the day when we will be needing it desperately, and that will be THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT .On that Day we all will agree that all the challanges\hurdles\problems\HEAT we had to face because of wearing Hijab were nothing [lesser than an atom] compared to the AJAR Almighty Allah will give us.That will be the day when we will surely be the most thankful for having observed Hijab!

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