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Dr. Mohammed Al-Tijani Al-Samawi or Sayed Mohamed Tijani Smaoui is in Dar es Salaam

He is the author of the famous book 'Then I was Guided'

The following gallery has some pictures of his talk in the Shia Imambargah recently. (click on the photo)

He has done an outstanding job and despite many hurdles has succeeded in bringing out the truth with Allah's help..May Almighty reward him to the fullest....His other must read are''ASK THOSE WHO KNOW"",''TO BE WITH THE TRUTHFUL"",and ''THE SHIA: THE REAL FOLLOWERS OF THE SUNNAH''.

It is recommended to offer a two unit prayer betwe[…]

Al An'aam (The Cattle)

Short tafsir on Suratul An'aam (The Cattle) Part 2[…]

Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S was 9th Imam of Ahlul Bayt.[…]

Imam Muhammad al-Taqi's death marked a significant[…]

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