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By Muhammad
well this must hav been askd bt due to my laziness i m askin it again..
can we attach pics which we hav in our computer?/(i really hav nice pics of kaaba(taken this year :D) and many holy sites in mina,madina and mecca...)...
awaitin a reply...:D...
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By qarrar
I don’t think you can currently post pictures which are on your PC but I might be wrong. For posting pictures from WebPages, instructions are below:

- Click the right mouse button on the picture that should be on a web site- copy the address (URL)
- paste it on the ASK page
- highlight the whole address and click "Img" above
- select preview to check it out
- make sure the bbcode is not disabled (no tick) or else it won't work.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Unfortunately Ask does not support upoloading pics from yr pc to the site. However you can use ImageShack to upload the pics and then post them on Ask
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By Muhammad
plz explain abt imageshack....(wot is it?:S)
would appreciate yr help...
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By Syed Kazim
photo bucket also helps u upload pics!
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By Syed Kazim
just register, it allows uploads from URLs as well as from ur PC, they give u a link, copy, paste here, n then do as qarrar said!

qarrar wrote:- highlight the whole address and click "Img" above
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