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With so many sporting activities that exist today, which is the ultimate sporting activity and why? Not forgetting health, which is also a closely related issue that should be amongst our top priorities.
One of the most awaited game where rivalry has no bounds and quality is of extreme importance, who will go ahead and give the other one a hard time?? Will the game decide the title winner of the season?? Whatever is the case I go for the amazing soccer of gunners who are sure to give a hard time and win the match!!!!!

Short tafsir on Suratul Faatir (The Originator ) -[…]

Those who give their wealth by night and day, secr[…]

Eid e Zahra

Eid al-Zahra, celebrated on the 9th of Rabi' al-Aw[…]

Imam Hassan al-Askari, the 11th Shia Imam, was bor[…]

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