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Will Man utd Beat Arsenal

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By Yas
lolz.. cheeky cheeky! :wink:
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By Mohdkazim
Now see chelse, Man U and Arsenal lost in the champions leage and the underdogs liverpool won their game!!!
Will Man U advance to the forward????
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By sumayya
MAN U hav absolutely NO CHANCE of winning the champions league and priemership ... chelsea wil win premiership ... as for arsenal they can come out second ...but MAN U ..they r GONE CASE ... i can see there is no arsenal supporters here except me ofcorse ..so we will jus see who wil win.... :wink:
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By Tayyaba
i also have a feelin chelsea will win....its sad u knw man u and arsenal r out..well last moment any thing can happen so lets jus wait and watch :wink:
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By Mohdkazim
hehe no arsenal supporters
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By sumayya
..u mean to tell me none of u guys support Arsenal ...u guys r soo boring ...how can u support teams like man u ....pathetic
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By Mohdkazim
Can you tell me How many times have Arsenal won the tittle and how many times have Man U won,
How many times have Arsenal won the Champions tittle?? NONE and how many time have Man U won the Champions trophy and what about the FA cup?????
East or west Man U is the Best :lol:
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By sumayya
umm mohdkazim ..Can u tell me how many times hav man u gone 47 games UNDEFEATED ..???? let me ans tht 4 u ..ZERO TIMES .... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Mohdkazim
sorry not 47 but 49 :lol: :lol:
And who was the one to beat them so they dont make it 50... it was MAN UTD
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By sumayya
the only reason they even managed to beat them coz the referee was FAVOURING .... and anyway they were feeling pretty down after they lost tht other match ( m i mixing up matches :? ) anyways wat im trying to say is tht Arsenal can defeat Man u if they want to ..only either their gets pretty bad or the referee favours man u ..
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By kulsham
let me guess... Man U.. I support this team... but i dont watch the match alone... :lol: :lol:
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By sumayya
s/a .. i say henry is DEFINATELY scoring so ur prediction of 2-0 mite not cum true :wink:
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By qarrar
How old is this post? I can literally see cobwebs around. Arsenal used to be the best club in London but now they have been outspent by Roman Abromavichs millions. Their best player is almost running out of va va voom! Their manager has been called a voyeur….how much more insult do you want? On the other hand you have the most successful manager currently in the Premiership and you have one of the best talents in England arguably in the world in the form of Rooney playing for them. I am sure you can see were my allegiance lies. 8)
Last edited by qarrar on 03 Jan 2006, 18:29, edited 1 time in total.

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