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With so many sporting activities that exist today, which is the ultimate sporting activity and why? Not forgetting health, which is also a closely related issue that should be amongst our top priorities.
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By kulsham
What Are the Benefits of Milk?

From the time we were children, we listened to our parents tell us of all the benefits of milk and as a result, we were expected to drink at least one glass per day.

As we became older, many of us shucked the idea of drinking milk either because we felt we were too "grown" to have to drink milk, or because we had become conscious of our figures and felt milk would have a detrimental effect on that part of us. In lieu of milk, we switched to other dairy products or vitamins in order to still receive the correct intake of Vitamin D and Calcium.

Strangely, the analogy here is that if we went through that much trouble to still receive the benefits of milk, we knew that there was something in milk that our bodies were able to utilize. According to an article published on the Internet by the Newer Knowledge of Milk, there are several benefits of milk: the ability to prevent osteoporosis, hyper tension, and colon cancer. And most importantly, these benefits are derived from an intake of fluid milk, not simply vitamins or other sources.

Drinking milk also helps reduce the incidence of tooth decay. There is no evidence to support the theory that drinking chocolate milk aids in tooth decay, and as a result, allowing children to drink chocolate milk increases their consumption of milk. One of the major contributing factors to many people shucking the benefits of milk for a substitute source is the belief that drinking milk will cause them to gain weight. There is no evidence that drinking the required servings of dairy products such as milk contribute to a person being overweight.

Clearly lactose intolerant individuals need to supplement with a non-dairy product. But for everyone else, we should shy away from drinking milk. We did it when we were 5, and we can definitely do it when we are 80. The benefits of drinking milk stay the same!

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By kulsham
The Benefits of Yogurt

Sure, yogurt tastes great and makes a good snack or can even enhance a healthy breakfast, but what exactly does yogurt have in it that directly benefits the body?

Here are some facts about the benefits of yogurt that may convince to stock up some the next time you're in the grocery store.

For one thing, yogurt is much easier to digest than milk. Many people are lactose intolerant, and can not consume dairy products, and yogurt is much easier on the stomach. This is because yogurt is cultured, which means that yogurt contains the digestive enzyme, lactase -- the enzyme that lactose intolerant individuals do not have.

Yogurt can also decrease your risk of contracting colon cancer, because it contains lactobacteria. Lactobacteria is 'good bacteria' because it helps to keep your colon clean and free of wastes, while aiding in digestion. Yogurt is also a rich source of calcium, as most dairy products are. Calcium aids in the development of strong teeth and gums, and can make your bones less brittle, which reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Eating yogurt on a regular basis can help you to absorb the nutrients in other foods as well. For example, eating yogurt helps the body to absorb calcium and B-vitamins more readily, so you can get the most nutritional value out of your meals. In turn, yogurt can also boost your immune system, since you are able to take in the maximum nutritional value of foods, which makes your body better equipped to fight off toxins.

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By kulsham
The Medical Benefits of Bananas Are Many

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet and the medical benefits of some fruit are great, especially bananas!

Partly because they aid in the body's retention of calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which all work to build sound and regenerated tissues, the medical benefits of bananas are many. The following paragraphs will discuss some of the medical benefits of bananas.

One of the medical benefits of bananas is they can be used to fight against intestinal disorders, including ulcers. Bananas are one of the only fruits that can be safely consumed by ulcer patients. Bananas neutralize the acidity of gastric juices, thus reducing ulcer irritation by coating the lining of the stomach. Not only can bananas relieve painful systems of ulcers, and other intestinal disorders, but they can also promote healing.

Another of the many medical benefits of bananas includes using them as a treatment for burns and wounds. By beating a ripe banana into a pasty substance, and spreading it over a burn or wound, it can give immediate pain relief! The banana paste should be covered by a cloth bandage for best results. Even the leaves of a banana tree can be used as a cool compress for burns or wounds.

Other medical benefits of bananas include aiding in:

constipation and diarrhea relief
treatment of arthritis
treatment of anemia
With so many medical benefits, bananas are quickly becoming the most popular fruit in America. Like no other fruit, bananas contain no fat, sodium, or cholesterol. On top of being a healthy part of any daily diet, there are many medical benefits of bananas.
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By kulsham
The Medical Benefits of Bananas Are Many

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet and the medical benefits of some fruit are great, especially bananas!

Partly because they aid in the body's retention of calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which all work to build sound and regenerated tissues, the medical benefits of bananas are many. The following paragraphs will discuss some of the medical benefits of bananas.

One of the medical benefits of bananas is they can be used to fight against intestinal disorders, including ulcers. Bananas are one of the only fruits that can be safely consumed by ulcer patients. Bananas neutralize the acidity of gastric juices, thus reducing ulcer irritation by coating the lining of the stomach. Not only can bananas relieve painful systems of ulcers, and other intestinal disorders, but they can also promote healing.

Another of the many medical benefits of bananas includes using them as a treatment for burns and wounds. By beating a ripe banana into a pasty substance, and spreading it over a burn or wound, it can give immediate pain relief! The banana paste should be covered by a cloth bandage for best results. Even the leaves of a banana tree can be used as a cool compress for burns or wounds.

Other medical benefits of bananas include aiding in:

constipation and diarrhea relief
treatment of arthritis
treatment of anemia
With so many medical benefits, bananas are quickly becoming the most popular fruit in America. Like no other fruit, bananas contain no fat, sodium, or cholesterol. On top of being a healthy part of any daily diet, there are many medical benefits of bananas.
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