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With so many sporting activities that exist today, which is the ultimate sporting activity and why? Not forgetting health, which is also a closely related issue that should be amongst our top priorities.
By eternal-jihad
yeah but swimming pool are mix girls/boys ... :(
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By Tayyaba
i like swimming as well..but my other fav sport activities are Basket ball, squash ( this game helps in takin out u'r anger hahaha :lol: )....and many more...

one question
why arent women in our community so lazy in playing sports and why is it girls don get so much oppurtunity to go out and play :?:
any1 plz feel free to answer my question..
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By Umm.aly
Yes I do agree swimming is a very good sport for it exercises your whole body..
I belive it is also encouraged in Islam as The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) commands us saying: “Teach your children swimming, archery and horse-riding.”
So we know it is really important to play sports and doing so trains the Muslims and makes their bodies healthy and sound. “A sound mind is in a sound body.”
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By Yas
Welcome to traditions - a womans place is in the kitchen! :lol:

Well, a stereotype that used to be there a while ago atleast and no I do NOT support it! Anyway, I think it's to do with the whole "women in the home" thing. Though there has been a rise I guess in the participation of women in sport - which is good, considering all the heart attack rates and "Fat Nation" statistics coming up :P. I think it's our communitie's duties to place more emphasis on women's sports and also it is partially up to the older generation of parents to adopt and tune into this new initiative and abandon the whole "girl in the kitchen" cliche?. lol. Tc.
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By Seeker of Knowledge
Yes Sports is important.

But I think we have waited for our communities to do something for us for too long.

Its about time we take matter in our own hands - A group of friends or a team of people can start their own sporting activities.
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By Keep Smiling
I totally agree with sports being the most important thing in our lives. As hardworking as we are, we tend to come home and relax and eat all the junk which leads to the big problem "weight gain"

Here i am with good news that now we have swimming classes for both boys and girls in ramadhaan...so this is the chance for all those who love swimming and also to those who dont know how to swim...As Sister Muhaddisa mentioned about The Holy Prophet commanding us, "Teach ur children swimming, archery and horseriding."
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By abuali
Yes sport is definitely important. For obvious reasons of health as well as general reasons of well being.

As far as swimming is concerned, find below some interesting information about developing the swimming technique: -

The human body, being composed mostly of water, has nearly the same density as water. Thus, staying afloat requires only a slight propelling of water downward relative to the body, and transverse motion only a slight propelling of water in a direction opposite to the direction of motion, due to generally low hydrodynamic drag. This propelling is typically accomplished by cupping the hands and using them as paddles, and by kicking the legs to push water away from the body.

With practice, technique can convert a slow or average swimmer to at least a moderately fast swimmer. Since speed converts directly into distance, the same techniques that improve speed also aid one to move farther with the same effort.

The torso and the legs should be kept as much as possible parallel to the surface of the water. Drooped legs or a slanted torso dramatically increase drag.

Try to have a pointed hand above the head, pointed forward as much as possible. This increases the average length at the water-line, substantially increasing speed. This is an effect long used by boat designers, and unconsciously used by "naturally good swimmers."

Try to maximize the time spent on the side because the torso is smaller front-to-back than side-to-side on most swimmers. This reduces the frontal cross-section, reducing drag further, and also increasing the ratio between the bodies water-line-length and width. Similar improvements are possible by orienting the narrowest direction of head, hands, legs and arms into the water. The torso is by far the most critical.

The motion of the hand, arm, and leg from back to the front should be in the air as much as possible, and in the water, oriented as perfectly as possible, because the returning appendage has to move at least twice as fast as the swimmer, and in the water generates eight times the drag (drag increases with the cube of the speed) of an equal amount of torso frontal area.

The basic "catch" of the water is not nearly as critical as the above items. Most swimmers simply grab water with their hand flat, or the fingers slightly spread, and then draw it smoothly down their body.

Note that none of the above techniques require improved strength. With strength training, the hands and feet can be extended further into the water, gaining more propulsion. For improvers, increased strength brings only small improvements if the above strategies (minimise drag and lengthen water-line) are not optimal.

A number of swimming styles have been developed based on the implementation of some or all of these principles.

Eternal-jihad raised an important point. That most swimming places (be it beaches or swimming clubs) have a mixed swimming crowd. How do we go around this problem? Keep Smiling, I didnt know there were swimming classes for both boys and girls...where are they held and how can one register?

Tayyaba...yes, it is true that women unfortunately do not get as many opportunities as men do as far as sport is concerned. I feel that we can actually do something about it. With boarding house at our disposal, if the women come together, and demand a period of time during every week, when only women should be allowed to use the facilities...all facilities including squash :) and other games, it may work out.

A question for all ...what do you feel about the competition element in sports?
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By Keep Smiling
The ladies registrations is over and done with and the classes have already begun...the venue for ladies is at Kinondoni the Dewji's place...

As for the Gents, i guess u havent been attending to mosque to the registration began on Thursday and yesterday was day 2...so you can find out at the mosque..

A question, why doesnt this communiy have a group of people where ladies and gents would plan activities like these beforehand...i mean the ladies classes are way too expensive compared to the gents and thats very unfair...
why should we pay more for exactly the same activity??

What Eternal Jihad pointed out is the one reason where ladies get discouraged to move a step ahead.. It certainly cannot be avoided but we can ask for special days for ladies only. As for wet and wild i know tuesday is the ladies day where ladies can be on their own and have fun..

Yes the Boarding house is an ideal place for the women. I remember last month FTC(Osman Towers) had a sports day and this made the ladies come up with great ideas of keeping up with it but when they asked if they could come on sundays, only to be told that boys have soccer matches...who would be the right person to approach to arrange for the ground to be free for ladies to be allowed? Though, It wouldnt be right for both genders to be there!

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