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By Muhammad Mahdi

By Hussein Karim

Kassim kicked the empty soda can as hard as he could. He watched it soar in the air and land far in front of him. He sighed deeply. “Why me?” he thought to himself. He sat on a nearby bench and holding his head in his hands, began recalling. “Why didn’t anyone care about him? Why wasn’t sabira talking to him? Didn’t she care anymore? And why was everything bad happening to him?” He felt God hated him, or was he being punished for something? Just because he missed some prayers or listened to music or….. actually the list of wrong acts was long in Kassims mind…still he continued. “NO matter how hard I try in school, I keep failing!” Ah!” Kassim took out the Pariki (chewing tobacco) packet from his pocket and put a pinch into his mouth. He recalled the day he had started, it had been his friend Zoheib who had got him to start. He had said all cool people chew it. Kassim looked at the packet as he remembered the first time he had tried. He had gaged, coughed and felt dizzy at the same time. But he had kept chewing to look cool, and had developed the habit. Now, he couldn’t stop and his teeth were in a way bad condition. In anger, he flung the packet far away. That gave him some satisfaction as he remembered his maalim Shabbir explaining in madressa about nafs lawama. The soul which had a chance to change… “but is there really room to change?” thought Kassim. “its just too late!”

Then his mind drifted to his gang, K-unit, and he thought of the fights and bullying. They had recently beaten up the H-zone and he felt happy about that. But he kept getting his fathers image in his mind saying, “Son, its no good fighting! We are all creatures of God!” Kassim gritted his teeth. “All dad knows is his religion and work” he thought. “Always pray, study or read Quran is what he wants me to do! But I ask him for a night out with my friends or a N-97? Hmph! And why did he have to take my phone? Just cause I was trying to call Sabira? It was only 11:50 at night. Ah!” And suddenly, tears started dropping from Kassim’s eyes. “And sabira,” he thought “after all my love and gifts, she just stops talking and caring! Its not fair! And she cheated on me! That’s worse! Ah!”

“Why me?!” He shouted loudly. He took out the box of Embassy lights from his pocket, again another influence from Zoheib, and lit one and began smoking. “And mum,” he continued thinking, “all she cares about is those two little brothers of mine! Everything them! Ah! What about me? Aren’t I still her son?”

Kassim was fed up. He spoke the names of everyone who he felt had stopped caring…

“Dad, mum, Sabira, my teachers; ah! Everyone!”

Kassim finally stood up. “That’s it!,” he said “ I cant take it anymore!”. In fury and haste, he took off his belt, slung it over a tree branch and hung himself. That was the end of Kassim’s life!

Almost every youth and teen faces such problems in the world of today. Infatuation, girl friends, sense of feeling that no one cares, school problems and others cause major phsycological trauma in the youth or teen. Parents and teachers must always be there and support them when necessary. And the youth themselves must always remember to stay away from bad influence and avoid getting into things that affect them They must have a moral stand. Also, to sit and talk to someone close about your problems always helps. Remember one thing, There is time to change! It is not too late! Let us all change today for a better tomorrow!
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By abuali
Here is a story for the Fiction section

Word count: 677
An adventure in the Zairian jungle

As my friend and I were walking along the path to my grandmothers house, we suddenly heard a strange cry

Though we tried to investigate, it was impossible in this Zairian thick jungle.

Surprised and puzzled we continued on our way. After an hour we say granny’s bungalow which was surrounded by a beautiful garden and several fountains.

After knocking we were let in by my grandmother who seemed to be very much disturbed. Naturally my first question to her was whether she was alright and the answer given by her was a great shock to us. A gorilla had taken away Lona, her granddaughter and my cousin, when she was playing in her garden.

Though we were upset ourselves, we tried to calm her.

At dinner she seemed to be a bit stable and though the food looked very delicious no one could feel the taste and everyone seemed to have lost appetite.

Early next morning we heard rumbling sounds of trucks at a distance and my grandmother told us that those were her lumberjacks who were on their way to the jungle and that they all had their living quarters behind her bungalow.

Though the authorities were informed of the incident and the game wardens were combing the dense forest, my friend and I left after breakfast just to see what we could do to help. As we were passing through the rows of living quarters we heard a strange cry. We both thought it must be Lona’s and rushed to the quarter from where the cry seemed to come. We peeped through an open window which had iron bars. To our surprise and disappointment, we saw a weld-mash cage inside the room and a small gorilla baby caged inside.

My friend could not understand why I was engulfed in deep thoughts and he was more surprised when I asked him to stay where he was. I was almost on my fours searching the ground under the window and gave a cry of joy when I saw a huge paw mark of a gorilla on the soft soil.

I caught my friends hand and pulled him to my granny who was as much surprised as annoyed to know that one of her employees had captured and caged a gorilla baby. The employee was summoned and said that he felt pity when he saw a small gorilla baby lonely in the jungle and brought it home.

Neither my friend nor granny could understand why I requested the employee to allow me to sleep in the room where the gorilla baby was kept.

I was resting in an easy chair kept in the corner of the room and kept the electric light on. The gorilla baby seemed to be restless but got used to it.

Just after midnight when the place was very quiet, I heard a sound of breaking twig and then a faint grunt figure loomed at the window. I slowly got up from the chair and walked towards the cage. The mother gorilla at the window got furious and seemed to pull down the window by pulling its bars with all her strength. I slowly unbolted the cage and stretched my arm and the baby gorilla jumped on my arm. I took it out and went towards the window. The mother gorilla seemed to understand me and stood still. As the bars were a good distance apart, I passed the baby through them and the baby jumped to his mother who embraced him almost like human. The mother gorilla looked at me for a while as if thanking me and hurriedly walked away.

I decided not to leave the room and rested on the chair. Before sunrise I heard the grunt of the gorilla at the window. I jumped from the chair and ran towards the window. And lo! There she was standing majestically with Lona nicely cuddled up in her arms. She slowly let Lona on the ground and taking two steps backwards disappeared into the darkness.
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