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By Muhammad Mahdi
When I spill some food on my nice clean dress
Or maybe forget to tie my shoe,
Please be patient and perhaps reminisce
About the many hours I spent with you.

When I taught you how to eat with care,
Plus tying laces and your numbers, too,
Dressing yourself and combing your hair,
Those were precious hours spent with you.

So when I forget what I was about to say,
Just give me a minute or two,
It probably wasn't important anyway,
And I would much rather listen to you.

If I tell the story one more time,
And you know the ending through and through,
Please remember your first nursery rhyme
When I rehearsed a hundred times with you.

When my legs are tired and it's hard to stand
Or walk the steady pace I would like to do,
Please take me carefully by my hand,
And guide me now as I so often did for you.
By Guest
Ohhh what a great article :cry:
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By Sayyeda
Anonymous wrote:Ohhh what a great article :cry:
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A very nice article
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By Zuly
Very Good Article!!!
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