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By Muntazir
‘Abdillah Ibn Sinaan says: Imam al-Saadiq (a.s) says:

In the lifetime of the holy Prophet, there was a man who travelled and had agreed with his wife that she wouldn’t leave the house until he returned, and unexpectedly the woman’s father got sick so she sent someone to the Prophet saying, ‘my husband is travelling and we had agreed that I wouldn’t leave the house until he returned and now my father is sick so do you allow me to go visit him?’

The Prophet said, ‘no, sit at home and act upon to what you had agreed with your husband.’

Imam al-Saadiq (a.s) says: Her father passed away and again she sent someone to the Prophet asking, ‘my father has passed away, do you allow me to attend his funeral prayers?’

The Prophet replied, ‘no, stay at home and act upon to what you had agreed with your husband.’

Imam al-Saadiq (a.s) says: When they burried her father, the Prophet sent a messenger to the lady and said, ‘‘Allah (‘azzawajall) without any doubt has pardoned you and your father for the obedience to your husband’s promise.'
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
And what kind of husband was this husband who would not understand if his wife went to see her sick and dying father or if she attended her father's funeral?
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By Dayyanah Karim
i am not saying that this story is wrong but i personally don't think that people should be telling such stories because it just makes men feel like the own their wives and they can treat them how ever they want
no offense :biggrin:
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By Muntazir
Bi-Ismillah (‘azzawajal)

Wa’aleykum as-Salaam

I don’t know about this lady’s husband, but if it was my wife, I would have certainly understood the situation and her feelings. However, my wife would first call me and ask for my permission to leave the house, even without telling her not to leave. And this is what’s important for me because she follows to what the Prophet (s.a.w.w) had said about the wife leaving the house without the husband’s knowledge.

Reading a Hadith, brings about two meanings by your approach to it. I’m sure you already know about this, however, I would like to remind myself and teach myself first. At first, you can understand a hadith by just reading it and trying to understand it externally, and secondly, you can ponder upon it and try to get an inner meaning, which is what the Imam’s (a.s) would aim at. “An hour of Tafakkur is equal to 70 years of ‘Ibaadah.”
I may ask, how many wives ask permission from their husbands when they have to leave the house for Salon or grocery shopping? The Prophet (s.a.w.w) says: “Not even when your father passes away!” (according to the Hadith we’re discussing on), it’s such a small reason for going out so why inform (asking toh door ki baat!)?

The Prophet (s.a.w.w) says, “Even for your deceased father’s funeral…!” I hope this is clearing the doubts of why the Prophet (s.a.w.w) said such a heartless thing, whereas, it is for the Qawlul Haqq!

And this doesn’t mean, we husbands only take these ahadith and shout it to our wives to rule upon them, I don’t agree to it. However, this is also a “do it yourself first” rule.

Whenever we wish to train our young ones, we do things infront of them so that they can learn from our acts. This goes the very same with wives, I hope this is not a point of objection. Let me explain further by the help of a hadith from the Prophet (s.a.w.w), he says “don’t put too much pressure on your wives, he takes them as an example of a rib and says, the more you try to bend it, the more it becomes weak and breaks”. So, the wife learns from the husband’s act and the more we are steadfast, they also follow the footsteps just like the kids. (I’m not comparing the sisters to kids, this is not my intention.)

But however, there is a slight difference between the husband and the wife regarding this issue. The husband is not dutied to ask his wife, however, it would be a sign of respect if he does so, but the wife has an obligation to fulfill. And this doesn’t mean that by asking his wife is not knows as an obligation, according to my terms, it is a low level of obligation, on the other hand, even higher than the wife’s obligation. How? When we pray Naafilah, it’s greater to ‘Allah (s.w.a) because it’s not an obligatory act. Hence, if a husband also tries to abide by the mustahabaat by informing the wife to where he’s going and to treat her just like the way he wants her to treat him, this is greater in the eyes of ‘Allah (s.w.a). (Note: ‘Allah, the Highest, has no eyes.)

al-Imam ‘Ali (a.s) says: “Like something for others what you would like for yourself”.

And this also doesn’t mean that the sisters should think that the husbands are once again the better ones, no.
According to Riwayah, it has been said that when the wives on the earth are pious and steadfast in their religion, the Houris of Jannah hide themselves from them out of shame. Why? Because we have Nufoos; the different levels of the soul and they don’t. We are surrounded by evil to which the nafs is attracted, but when the sisters still struggle from their within, the surely win and there is no greater living than them or any comparison.

This goes beyond to what I’ve said. If I’ve failed to solve your asking then it’s surely my knowledge.
May ‘Allah (s.w.a) increase our knowledge to reach into the highest levels of Kamaalillah.

I hope both the sisters can get something out of this.

Lastly, this hadith could also be used on the husbands. How? This is your research.

Fiamaanillah. May ‘Allah protect our relationships from the smells of Shaytaan.
Last edited by Muntazir on 28 Mar 2010, 21:42, edited 1 time in total.
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By Muntazir
Salaamun 'aleykum

I did not understand your question? You need a hadith saying that 'Allah (s.w.a) has no eyes?
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By Muntazir
Hadithes are many.

Kindly refer to the following books:

1. Heliyatal Muttaqeen
2. Man la Yahzarul Faqir Vol. 5
3. Traditions - Fadhlallah Haeri
4. Mizaan al-Hikmah

These are for now. Let me know if you need more.

You can search for many ahadith online if you know how to type in farsi. Use google.
By Fatimah Zahra Karim
uhh...why farsi? I thought the Prophet (saw) was an Arab :o
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By abuali
Fatimah Zahra Karim wrote:uhh...why farsi? I thought the Prophet (saw) was an Arab :o
I think brother Muntazir mentioned farsi because that is the language he has studied and uses to search reference material online.

As you can imagine a lot of Islamic reference resources exist in farsi due to the activities of the seminaries in Qum. Perhaps as many as those that exist in arabic perhaps less.
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By Muhammad Mahdi
Brother, living with Sh Razi ha taught me to ask for the chain of narrators for every hadith. Since we can not access the books, would you be kind enuf to post the narrators?


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