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Discuss general religious issues that affect all of us in our daily lives.
By mbhimji

Today is the night of asking Allah (swt) for all your hajaats and wishes. Today of all the days, Jawshan-e-Kabeer is valued highly and Allah (swt) tells us, "Call onto me, I shall respond to you". This is like a gift to us that we should never disregard it, even it for a minute. Even if you want to recite half after Iftaar and the rest later there is no harm, just do not disregard it today.

We tell Allah to give us relief to our problems because who else other than Him will cure us better than the curer, who will provide us better than the provider, and who will forgive us and give us mercy than the merciful forgiver?!

My dear Muslims, let us take advantage of this gracious night and pray for all those in stress and hardships, especially to remove this sickness (COVID-19) from our lives so as we can revisit the mosques and our friends and families abroad. Ameen.
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