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By Muhammad Mahdi
Recently, a rude letter titled,"Sheikh Alidina and the truth!" has been circulated through e-mails, regarding Dr. Alidina's explanation about the snatching away of the hijab of the Holy ladies (as) and the legality of acts such as zanjeer and qama zani done for the love of Imam Husayn (as).

Dr Alidina, who conducted a lengthy research, presented both sides of the debates and explained how the greatest of the mujtahideen differed in opinion. He concluded with a wise saying, advising us to "Agree to disagree".

However, some enthusiastic, zealous people who think they are knowledgeable, compiled a collection of verses from the Holy Qur'an and ahadith, and inappropriately used them out of context, to justify their views.

To summarize the contents of the mail, the authors try to "prove" that it is indeed true that the hijab was snatched and that zanjeer is permissible. Together with this "evidence", the authors have used defamatory remarks against our honourable Resident Aalim, Sheikh Alidina, who has sacrificed his studies and his comfort for the betterment of this community. The uncivil letter is signed "Kulsum Jagani", to my knowledge, the name of a deceased 80 year old woman.

The purpose of writing this is not to incite these extremists. I was stunned to see that many of us, who received the mail, forwarded it to others. I was shocked to see that we perhaps unknowingly, picked up the lifeless arrow and struck it to the target. I was dismayed to see us insulting our Aalim.

Let us please send this mail to the one who sent us the rude mail, and to the ones to whom we have mistakenly forwarded the rude mail. Let us also, as an offering of our solidarity with the Sheikh, send him a letter of support, or a word of apology, or at least, offer some duas in the Magnanimity of Allah (swt) so that He (swt) does not curse us by removing this learned, humble person from our presence and place him elsewhere.

A community without the grace of an Aalim is an orphaned community. Let us join hands in prayer for the Imam (af) to reappear, so that this scheme of Shaitan to keep us over-indulged in the futile be obliterated.

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