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Discuss general religious issues that affect all of us in our daily lives.
Almost all of us have traveled at one time or another in our short lives. And most of these journeys are quite long, maybe going to another region altogether if not out of the country.

However, there are times when we do make a long journey and can still come back from it in a day. eg kibaha,bagamoyo,morogoro and other "nearby" places [under some circumstances, tanga even].

The go and return distances to these places are such that if one decides to forgo praying at the awwal time, he/she can still come back to his home and pray full prayers without fear of qaza if the purpose is just a few hours meeting/gathering.

Alhamdulillah there are many of us who are very punctual in prayers and like to pray at awwal time. May the Almighty bless us all with such resolve.

Assume one plans to go to Tanga after subh prayers, transact some business deals and come back right after that. It is very possible for that person to be back in DSM by four pm, and pray full prayers; however he could also decide to pray qasr there.Ofcourse, if he plans to stay there for two-three days, then that is another matter. He would offer qasr there.

Now let us take a place nearer to home, Bagamoyo or Kibaha. The distances are such that one could go there just before time for Zohr has set in, do a majlis and come back before six in the evening. And then pray full prayers at his home. Or he could pray qasr while at Bagamoyo or Kibaha.

Modern means of transport have really made such an option possible and in the future we should not be surprised if one can travel out of the country and be back within time for prayers. Despite we can travel long distances, in essence,we are still not far from home.

This brings a confusion. While we all know that the go and return distance of approximately 28miles for qasr starts from the point of tarakhkhus; [for other rules please click here http://www.al-islam.org/laws/musafir.html ]

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